11 Answers
I've been to the States, but the country i would really like to travel around is Canada, i been told the scenery and culture is second to none, maybe when i retire.
11 years ago. Rating: 15 | |

Okay, I would like to visit down under. At least I have a few friends there. If I have the money to visit then I would have the money to travel the whole continent………..
11 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
While I would really love to travel the US at my leisure, I have a dream to spend about six weeks at an Italian villa in Tuscany. I'm hoping to get a place with lots of bedrooms, and have family and friends help pay for the villa for the time they will spend there. With enough bedrooms, people can come and go for the duration, although I (and my sister) want the full six weeks. I want to ride a bicycle through the wine country, shop at local markets, enjoy peacefulness in the Italian countryside, take trips to Florence, Venice..
By the way, if you are interested, let me know and I'll schedule your visit and reserve your room!
11 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
Bob: Have you received email from me. The contact people will not give out email addresses anymore. I don't know why. Those that remain seem good, solid citizens.
I'll ask them
Digger, that is a great idea. Can I hold you to it?

Kenya,the national park ,to see al the Wild life before it all dissapears,
11 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
I've seen The U.S.,Mexico,New Zealand & a couple of S.E.Asian countries but we won't go into that.
Canada interests me very much but it would have to be a summer vacation.(I can't stand the cold!!!)
11 years ago. Rating: 12 | |
How was yours mate?

Ever since I was 12, I've wanted to go to Europe, but I never had anyone to go there with ! And I still don't.! Even tho my late husband's siblings all went to Sicily .the original home of their parents,......he never seemed interested in going :-( I want to see the whole ball of wax of Europe from Scandanavia to the U K right down to Greece and the romance lands......that means, of course, Italy and it's little sattalites......Sicily and Sardinia. After I'm done with that exhausting trip, I want to see Australia . Sorry about the minor spelling errors. I don't have spell check.......except on email.
11 years ago. Rating: 11 | |

The hospital is NOT the best place for peace and quiet in recuperation.
11 years ago. Rating: 11 | |
I'll meet you in Ireland, witchway.