    In your state or providence or where ever- Are you reqired to have car insurance to get tags or plates?

    +6  Views: 1121 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago

    6 Answers

    Here in the state of Ohio,yes you do.Now how much they enforce it maybe a another thing,all you have to do here is raise your right hand and say (yes i have insurance),and you are good to go!!!!!.


    In Michigan you must bring proof of insurance to license bureau or NO plates!

    Something like that will be coming here soon I'm sure.

    Here the insurance companies are linked to the DMV so as soon as your insurance policy lapses, they notify the DMV who then cancels your registration.

    Wow Colleen So far Michigan only checks in once a year. I'm sure they will soon follow your states agenda! So do we think having to have insurance is good or bad for us as in you or I??

    I think it's good. No one can afford car repairs after an accident. Insurance at least will pay the repairs and medical if anyone gets hurt. The only downside to insurance is it opens the possibility of 50 million dollar law suits. In PA, they have 50/50 insurance. Each insurance company takes care of their own policy holder. I think this cuts back on the amount of law suits due to injuries. People can still sue but it's harder to win the case in a 50/50 state unless they can prove extreme gross negligence.

    Michigan has no fault insurance. Quite nice if you crash in a different state! So in this state each car owner is responsible for there own vehicle. So far so good!

    50/50 is the same as no fault I think. Basically it means each party shares equally in who's at fault. Might be nice for you if you hit someone in another state but not so nice for the people of that state because no fault drivers cause premiums to go up for all to cover the effects of no fault drivers ;)

    Our insurance rates get based On big city accidents(Detroit) But we have to pay it!

    That's a given no matter what state you're in. Premiums are based on the average accidents per capita. I wish more people would realize that driving is a privilege, not a right and that they would take driving a lot more seriously and responsibly than many of them do now.

    clu, I'm in Mich. too, so I'm your " neighbor " Go Tigers! One reason we have to pay so much is to cover the people in Det, that don't buy insur.Same with our high water bills

    MCM I know about Detroit! Really Pees me off! I'm in the country so we have no water bill just the well and pump and the electric to pump it out! I would not know how those costs would compare!

    "mycatsmom",well ok now that Cleveland is out,I'll give your Tiger's a shout out...GO TIGER'S

    Thx, Rick. You're refreshing b/c my inlaws in Cleveland say things like " The Tigers Suck " and " We hate the Pistons "

    CT is the insurance capitol of the USA. Of course we have to buy insurance before registering. I think the legislators here believe that if they did not enforce it, CT would look silly having the headquarters of most all insurance companies here. 


    I will let you know about the thumb. It REALLY irritated me! Now I am lol;)

    Did he ever reverse the TD clu?

    No He doesn't give a do-diddly about me!

    OK. I'll take care of it.

    Thanks Colleen!

    Well in great state of Taxachusetts YES,  in fact i think their imposing a "stupidy Tax "..dam democrats  !!


    Daren,damnocrats. or damocraps.Hahahah.

    Our governor in RI wants to give driving license to illegal immigrants so they can get to work.  For the jobs which they should not have by law!  But to answer, yes you need to have liability insurance, many drop it months afterwards, and drive anyway. 


    Sounds like your little state has some goofy doofus at the helm, just like mine. :(

    CT already passed that law. Illegals can get a driver's license here because Obama sent 12,000 of them here to get jobs and they need to be able to drive to work.

    Makes my stomach hurt.

    California also requires auto insurance.  My mom bought a vehicle in September, 2012, and didn't put it on the road until December, so didn't purchase insurance until then.  Good thing, as she got a notice from the DMV that the registration would be revoked in ten days if she didn't provide proof of insurance.   Part of the insurance we carry is for "uninsured motorists". Go figure.

    why are you asking 


    You voted down my question?? For what??

    gta4ruler is f*****g about clu.
    Can't or can't or can't answer.

    Why do you ask her why is she asking? What difference does it make? Just answer if you can or leave the question for others to answer. Please reverse the thumbs down you gave her. It is out of line and a suspend-able action when there is no justifiable reason for it. It's considered abuse of the thumbs down option.

    clu, let me know if he removes the TD.

    So there was no reversal of thumbs down! I think this person is not from my country and I understand he is not aware of our rules at AKAQA Probably is not aware of the votes and I will admit I will PICK on him every chance I get. I would like my Karma restored however! Thank you!

    Oh he's aware. He may not post a lot but he's been around long enough to know how things are done here and how not to abuse the TD's.

    how can you tell if someone gave you a T D. ...b/c the little numbers by your name reduce ? You'd have to really be watching that to notice it.

    MCM He was the first to post an answer if you want to call it that and also if you read your notifications -- It will say or post that so in so voted down your question or answer! It just really irritated me and it cost me 25 points!

    You know if someone gave you a thumb's up or a thumb's down or a comment in a thread in which you participate or a comment to your question or answer because you see, in the upper left corner of your screen, under the blue rectangle that says "akaQA", the words "Unread notifications", followed by a red circle with a number in the middle. Put your cursor on the red circle and left click your mouse. You will then see a list of the notifications (up to 10); at the bottom of the list you can "Clear all notifications", or go to the "next" page, if there are more than ten notifications. On subsequent pages, you will have the option to go back a page (PREV...for previous) or continue to further notifications.
    MCM, if you haven't noticed this feature, you must have thousands of unread notifications!

    soory i havnt been around
    im sorry for voteing you a thumbs down i honestly dint mean to i must have hit it by accident im sorry ill undue my thumbs down i gave you
    plz for give me

    and romos plz dont call names


    you said that i was f-ing about clu

    You are reading something that isn't there gta4ruler (lost in translation)

    PKB, I've read those notifications and clicked on those buttons everday. But, sometimes, just after you've said something, if someone gives you a TD, then everybody notices it right away.How can others tell if you've gotten a TD so quick ?

    Good question, MCM. When I give a TD, I always give an explanation for it in the comments section, so anyone who bothers to read it will know. In this case, I think clu's comment to gta4ruler alerted everyone.
    I doubt there is much TD going around. I got one a couple of months ago, but nobody knows but the person who gave it to me, moderators, and me.

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