    Best wishes and lots of Love for Lindilou's little Chicklet today.

    Lindilou's daughter is in Children's Hospital for an operation on her spine.  



    I hope that all goes well and that healing comes quickly.  All the best for brave little Chicklet and Lindi-Mom.


    xo Fishie



    +11  Views: 1198 Answers: 12 Posted: 11 years ago

    We appreciate all the good vibes and love streams we can get and we thank you all so much....Storm's final and third surgery will be on Monday morning. She is one powerful little lady and she has been quite lucid and coherent throughout this process which began last Monday with the discectomy of four mid-tarsal vertabrae (5 hours) it but I recommend the 3-d animation versus the real thing as it is rather shocking and barbaric seeming. So this was followed on Wednesday with spinal fusion but @ 8 hours in they kept losing her right leg so they had to draw back. wake her and make sure she still had the leg, which she has! So the rods have not been placed but all the other hardware is in...this is what she's waiting for and again if you google this surgery please view the 3-d animations if you are feint of heart...we love our little chick so is hard to see her like this but once time has its way with her...she will stand tall at @ 3 foot 4 inches (was 3 foot)! The degree of curvature was 103 degrees on the Cobb angle...which is a severe curve..this operation will help her walk again although she will need further ops to her knees and hips...So, I thank you for the good good vibes and the love spilled toward my beautiful child..xoxox LL

    As always, I send daily best wishes and thoughts of healing and all the energy Storm, Breeze and you need to help get her (and all of you) through this. There will always be the worry and the stress that you just can't help feeling but always every present is the strength to get you through it all. I've seen that strength in you and have seen you get beyond the fears and worry. Trust in yourself as much as you trust in Storm's incredible ability to shine through even the worst of times. I've said many times in e-mails to you including messages for her, she is a warrior and I add to that that you are her champion that she first got her incredible strength from and through. You taught her how to be strong and how to see the positives no matter what life gives her. You are a great mom and your kids are awesome because they took what you gave them and have used it in such positive ways. Storm is so filled with her own grand energy. She puts out so much healing energy for the people she meets in life, just her smile alone can give such warmth and feel good feelings to the person who receives it. Proof that she contains her own positive energy which keeps a body strong so it can heal itself with the help of others. She's a fighter and I admire her spirit greatly. :)

    Thanks so much Colleen for your much needed support and understanding and grounding! Stormy girl is resting well now after bumping the meds and turning on more beautiful music to help soothe her...xo LL

    Glad to hear that after her rough patch earlier. She and her body both need some really good sleep. I hope she gets plenty before Monday.

    12 Answers

                           Hang in there Lindilou

                        My thoughts are with you

                    and your daughter at this time.


    Thank you xox LL

    posted her pic below cb!
    country bumpkin


    She's so pretty! We had an old drive in restaurant in my home town that was served rootbeer floats in big frosty mugs. Great memories.
    country bumpkin


    Lindilou, I just finished reading (10/7/13) about your daughter Storm and how well she is doing post-op. Great news!

    Prayers, Friendship, Love 


    Thanks Bobby baby...xoxox Love LL

    You and your family are in my prayers


    Yes! Thank you pythonlover! xox LL

    Best wishes to Lindilou and her daughter! Get well soon Chicklet!


    Thank you so much clu!! xox

    As you sit and wait and wait and wait.....


    .....know that my thoughts and prayers are there with you. So hard.   :(


    Thanks Ducky...most excellent to be in your prayers! xoxox LL

    I just wanted to post a pic of Storm so you all can see who your prayers and good vibes are for...she is most precious in our lives..honor student, 2nd year ukelele player, artist, writer and extremely funny and adorable...thank you all...xox LL



    She is so beautiful! I love that she plays the ukulele. My daughter does as well. Thanks Lindi. Your daughter is special, just like her Mom.

    Lindi, She's so cute and pretty. When you look at her picture, it looks like her eyes are looking right into your soul
    I'm praying that everything will go well
    ~ ~ ~ Juliana AKA Julie

    See how she shines! She just oozes awesomeness. Super Storm with her infectious smile :)

    That's my baby with a rootbeer float!Look at her little hands! I love her beyond babe.

    And cute as a button!

    What a sweet little face. :))

    She takes after her own mom. I think Juliet got it right when she said, "When you look at her picture, it looks like her eyes are looking right into your soul."
    Oh, that sweet baby. How is she today, lindilou?

    She has had a rough time but I think the meds r up enough now that she can rest comfortably...she is in rough shape tho' with bruises and wounds, it is pretty barbaric so do not think about it.
    No-one is tougher than this little chick in my books. She has faced adversity with that smile her whole life...this little love of my life has fast become my hero this past week... shed tears only when she thought we were leaving her here alone...but we wouldn't dare! We are sleeping in her room on cots on the floor...I would sleep in mud for her! xoxoxLL

    You are wonderful Lindi and the three of you are fortunate to have one another. I wish your beautiful girl a very speedy recovery so she can get back to doing the things she loves so very well.

    What an inspiration this gorgeous girl is.

    (I really wish this site had those little hearts and happy faces to add to our words.... I would like to add about half a million hearts) xoxox K

    Well my little Mermaid nearly wore this ole gal (moi) out swimming tonight...LOL...send in the masseuse! Earlier today I took her for a jaunt up-island to the Comox Air Forces Base Aviation Museum where she loved the old war planes and was totally enthralled by seeing gliders being towed up and then let loose to was rather soothing to giant birds. She is doing so well...passed her first semester brilliantly and will finish high school a year early so she can have surgeries to reconstruct both tibia bones to accomodate her lovely knees that are quite 'normal' as it turns out (no surgery to hips..yay!)...recovery is 3.5 to 4 months so she'll be able to graduate with her class...she's got only one course to take in grade 12....Ukelele!! She's so cool...xox LL and Storm

    Happy for her and you lindilou, that things are progressing. Too bad she needs more surgery but all the best through the next young to go through so much!!!

    My thoughts and positive energy are on their way, everything will be well.


    Thank you ya xox LL

    ...and the echo-o-o-o...Thank you ya xox LL

    I know what you are going through and you are in my prayers as well. Be strong , stand tall, we are loved here by all.


    Thank you robertgrist...mighty prayers my brother and love back baby...peace and all good things. xox LL

    Good wishes and prayers your way for the success of her operation.  Regards,


    Thank you darling man...xox LL

    Y’all are in my thoughts and  prayers. Wishing, hoping, expecting the best……...


    Many thanks and love back my little southern sweetheart! xox LL

    May all go well Monday,for little Lindy,give her a big hug from all of us,


    Aw Hector...I have called her 'Mini-me" many, many times...thanks for your good vibes honey!

    lookit her picture hector...posted in my comment..

    (((((lindiilou))))) I love you and your little one  How can that be?

     Well, it just is.  Her name is Storm? 


    My girls nicknames are Breeze and Storm!! And...oddly enough itsmee..I love you too lass!! Thank you for your good good vibes honey. xox LL

    : ) I hope things are going well for you this day and night. ttfn xx

    Storm is on my desk top. Cute. How are you doing?

    Good, good, good Sweetie. I'm kinda rattled today and will be listening to Storm's music to see if I can settle. XXXXXXXXX I wish I could send her her hearts delight or, at least, a card.

    Colleen can pass along a card itsmee!!! xoxox

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