    What was yyour Grand father,s proffetion

    +3  Views: 1742 Answers: 14 Posted: 11 years ago

    14 Answers

                 Coal miner!



    nice lookin' guy, whoever he was.

    Mine too,in Scotland.He became a cane grower over here.

    My two grandfathers died for their jobs Tom, I'm proud to come from such good stock!

    I can see tha bit of a of the Festus look in your eyes,Ted,



    jh, what kind of a Dr.? Was he rich ?

    He was a GP but he made money. My grandmother came in with money. Yes, they were well off…...

    bus driver in Boston..""

    My mothers father was a farm labourer, he drove horses, he was a ploughman. He was also very stricked and very religious, honest and hard working. I didn't know my father's father.

    Machinist..  And I did not know the other (paternal) one.

    Jockey / Trainer -- Horse Racing later  driving Stage Coaches.

    Tobacco farmer he was a sharecropper  during the great depression and raised it until the day he died""


    interesting .

    You're welcome lindilou

    Paternal grandparents moved to Fresno area to farm; not sure about my other grandpa, who died when my mom was very young.

    Mom's dad (Gedo Hrabaji) a wheat farmer and interpreter of Cree for the RCMP1920s+...he also spoke Russian, Romanian, Ukrainian, Spanish, Yugoslav, Polish but no Anglais...he learned fluent Cree trading with the Great Plains Cree people.

    Dad's dad was a barber,he was full blood Native American but spoke only English and German having been adopted into a German family and had a shop and everything called The Rose Barber Shop which is funny because one of my niknames is Rose!! haha!



    A Dustman,and he wore cor, blimy thouser's and wore a dustmans hat,


    What's a Dustman? And what's a cor blimy thousers ?

    Its cockney talk m/c/m,an old cockney song,a dustman is one who use to collect trash,i belive the Americans call it,and cor blimmy thouser's are what Stan Holliway wore in my fair lady,tied up with string around the kness,etc,

    and he lived in a council flat , he looked a proper nanna in his great big hob nail boots, he had such a job to pull them up, that he called them daisy roots.

    Thanks you both Ted,and Sunny,for your help in your contributions,ps,and Tommyh,

    "You missed me.Am I too late?" "No jump up on the cart".
    I remember that one Dennis. Hahahaha!

    Thx, Hector.Being on an international site like this, we learn a lot from each other. Yes, I can picture the way he looked in My Fair Lady. He was good in that role. And I love Col.Pickering.

    .....sumtimes I read one of these streams and wonder who put what in the water

    Hellloooooo Bhira!

    Professional musician, organ maker and electrician... (Maternal)


    Engineer.... after retirement, custodian. (Paternal)


    Have yourself a glorious one!





    You look n????k,i mean tired after all that playiny the piano,

    I know Dennis..... it is just too much for little old me.

    My mother's father was a Fireman. My father's father worked for G.E. (General Electric). 

    My Granddad on mom’s side was a carpenter at a shipyard, his dad and uncle owned the Mayo Clinic…I’m not in the money line. My granddad on my dads side was a steel worker at Pittsburg. I never met him. His wife was in France and went to a German concentration camp for Jews before the war ended. They met there and returned to Virginia as the war ended.  Their stories gave me nightmares and tears. 235 members of my grandmothers family died there.  


    I'm sad to hear this about your grandmother's family, RG. I'm not surprised you had nightmares.
    A handful of my relatives who made it out of Armenia during the Ottoman Turk reign of terror had numbers tattooed on their inner wrists. My great-aunt refused to talk about it, and the "disconnect" in her eyes told you not to ask again.
    ....and some people want to pretend these genocides never happened.

    the mark of the beast.

    One of my Grandpa,'s was a military man one was a train conductor.   My Dad's side of the family was very military! My Mom's Dad was a pervert who probably abused his daughters! This is a very secret thing that I can really not find about these abuses! My Mother freaks out every now and then and says things but she is 87 and having real memory problems I can feel her pain and she trys to still hide the abuse!


    clu, that's so sad she had to live with that all her life :-(

    I'm so sorry to read this, clu. I've read that victims of abuse often blame themselves for what happened to them. At 87, your mom may have been carrying that ill-founded guilt with her for a very long time. The generation of our parents was very different than ours. It might be hard to convince her that wasn't her fault. (My mom, who is 94,has some values that I find very "old fashioned" and she's not going to reconsider them, ever)

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