    if life wasn't worth dying for,would you have lived in the first place?....ask yourself this question.

    0  Views: 3798 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago
    Tags: life

    4 Answers

    Based on a lot of your questions and comments, I must say you have a strange way of looking at life. I'm not judging you by saying that. I'm just interested in where you get your outlook from.

    Death is a part of life. I do not believe anyone ever makes a choice to be born for the sole reason of dying. No one has a choice about being born. The question is not answerable because of that fact alone. 


    we all know death is a part of life. i am also part of life as strange as you say i am..if you didn't have a choice about being born i don't see how you should make choices about anything else.just let whoever brought you to life make choices for you,and just by letting whoever chose for you to live make these choices you would have made a is a choice!!!

    I did not say you were strange. Please re-read what I wrote. Whoever brought you into this world would be your mother. It's is designed that a female body be the incubator for the body you will use to live life. Your mother and father (if both remain in your life) will be your primary decision makers until the law says you are old enough to make your own decisions or until your parents decide you are mature enough to make your own decisions. Which ever comes first. But before all that, before you end up in your mother's womb, there really is no choice as to whether you are born or not. You can not refuse being born. All souls must live physical life. They can choose the life they live, that is the free will granted to all souls.

    First of all, i wouldn't have a strange way of looking at life if i wasn't strange myself Colleen. secondly,my mother is not GOD and she wouldn't have brought me if she wasn't brought in the first place,my mother's mother wouldn't have brought her if the same didn't occur to her and it goes on and on.....the person who would be responsible for all life should be GOD. so,if you have a problem with anything in life,then you should know who to blame...and i know you are not gone blame GOD as human as you are. If you know in your heart that GOD is GREAT you shall also know he makes no is not by chance and that's why i don't blame you for who you are,i wish you could do the same for me Colleen because i have nothing against you at all,even if you could insult me in anyway,i'd still love you!!!!!

    ...i also want everyone to know that i am not my questions, so don't hold my questions against me,i am beyond your understanding and you cannot confirm me...

    God is not a person. God created soul and created the human form to create new human forms. Your mother's egg and your father's sperm created the embryo your body grew from. I'm sure somewhere along the line you were taught all that. God gives us the tools to live life and make our own choices. If we were not meant to make our own choices, we would be brainless slugs just existing and being led by instinct only. I fail to see where blame gets brought into your initial question. As for insulting you, I did not insult you. Perhaps you've lost my meaning in translation. You can profess to love me all you want but I do not believe you know what that actually means. Again, not an insult. I think you do not understand the "love" that God expects us to have for our fellow human beings. It simply means freedom. Allow all living beings the freedom to live life as they choose without judgment and without charging them as sinners. Simply let them be and do not invade their spiritual space.

    You are not beyond my understanding. I see the depth you wish to be in life but you still have a lot to learn and some growing to do. No one needs to confirm you. You need to confirm yourself. Once you can do that, then you need not answer to anyone. Good luck and happy growing and learning. :)

    Thanks but no thanks, i don't need your good luck...wish it to your own self if you believe in luck Colleen

    You seem to have more anger than love. The chip on your shoulder will just keep getting in your way until you address whatever has caused it. I meant good luck in the best of ways. I will change it to, I wish you all the best. Journey on kaybeeee

    Thank you colleen,but i believe GOD knows if i deserve the best or not and your wishing me the best in life won't change what GOD has in store for me in the future...and believe me,i don't mean to sound rude,i'm just speaking my mind...thanks anyway.

    When someone wishes you luck (and I believe luck is a positive, not a negative)or wishes anything positive you should not take it as an attack on you. God will guide you by using many things. The words of others is just one way that God can choose to guide you with. You are in charge of your own life, your own existence, your own destiny. That is what life is. It is your own personal journey. God will not interfere with the choices you make. God does not set your life course, you do. This is why God gives free will. You decide. Turn to God for guidance but make your own choices. This is how you learn and grow and understand. Otherwise, there is no point to life if you are just going to believe God is making all the choices for you. That's an easy way of believing you are not responsible for your life events. You are responsible for everything that happens to you through your own actions and choices. You must do your own learning. God will not provide all the answers and simply lead you everywhere you need to go. A teacher in school does not answer the test questions for you. You answer them yourself. It's the same with God. God will not give you all the answers. You must find them on your own. Even God does not know your future because your future depends on the choices you make in life.

    The GOD i know knows everything,i just don't about yours...

    It's your right to believe that and your choice to make God the responsible one for how your life goes. You can accept no responsibility. That is your right too. My God is your God. We are all free to perceive God in our own way. God does not mind and neither should you.

    thank are far too kind


    I've sent you an e-mail Lindi.

    What lindilou said .... It's 4 AM. The party's over for me. I'll climb the ladder to my loft and zzzzz.

     I live because life is worth living. Dying will be the beginning of my eternal life. I feel your question needs to qualify what makes dying worth giving up life. Perhaps you could establish how you want to evaluate the value of death. 

    ...I live to serve no one. Enjoy life to the fullest possible. Be good to yourself and others. Nothing else matters.


    Would I have lived life all over again if I had the chance ......?  I guess so , if I could have the same parents, and the same husband.

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