10/1/13 The U.S.A. is in "shut down" mode.
The Senators and Representatives, and President, and especially our NEWSCASTERS and COMMENTATORS all think they know how to "fix it". Obviously, "it's" broken.
YOU FIX IT! (And let's say no one is going to rein you in or veto your GOOD ideas) Be sensible....you never know who's watching (but that's for another question).
3 Answers
Time for the people to rise up and make their voices heard, the banks and political crap mongers have been ruling the world for too long, things must change, as they are trying to do in the Middle East, time for the Western world to WAKE UP!
11 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Here's a thought. America is shut down but Australia is "OPEN for BUSINESS".
Why don't you all pack up & come on down.
11 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
I'm leaving my porch light on.(As instructed by Julie)so we should be easy to find.Just remember,turn left at Hawaii & hard right at New Zealand.
I think the problem is that all the moderates have been eliminated. I think they killed them, but that's another story. The moderates and centrist were the ones that in the past fostered compromise which ultimately lead to solutions. For instance, I don't see why the president couldn't delay Obamacare for, say six months and drop that tax on medical equipment. Then the republicans could drop all the other demands they want in order to approve a budget and the debt ceiling. The debt ceiling is something you definitely don't want to mess around with because it could lead to global repercussions and an even more serious recession. Besides, the debt ceiling isn't for new spending, it's for spending that congress already approved and to which the president agreed. Also, they should use this opportunity to agree to seriously discuss tax reduction as well as a serious plan for entitlement reform. I guess that ultimately the responsibility rest with us. We need to let those clowns know that we are not going to continue to sit idle while they fatten themselves and totally ignore us.
11 years ago. Rating: 3 | |