    If GOD didn't want to give you something,can you make him give it to you by praying?

    +2  Views: 838 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago

    6 Answers

    MY personal opinion is NO. I don't think I can "make" God do anything.   Most of my prayers are thankful in nature anyway.  

    You mean by pestering him to death? I doubt it. God is all knowing and love, he has his plans and bugging him won’t change a thing. Pray out of thankfulness, God is good………...

    Have complete faith that he will provide what's best for you.


    RE-read the question again Pythonlover,you might understand it coz clearly you didn't...

    Clearly you did not understand me yesterday kaybeeee. You may not dictate how a member answers a question.
    terryfossil 1

    hey be,clearly you do not understand the answer,and you probably never would,or can, or want to,or try to. comon b,why dont you join us,it is not a bad race to be in ........The Human Race

    hi Kaybeeeee,,,,this question gets asked every now and again,and i can only answer it with my own experience ,,first of all the bible says,,,(ask and you shall receive) and (if you ask hard enough and long enough God will grant your wish ) however always remember that what you ask for is not always what you need or what God has intended for my story.can you make God give you something ? 3 young kids got left in a picture show and then tossed into a state home and then split up and fosterd to different familys the oldest being me at 6 years of age..i spent years praying to God to put my family back together..after 5 or 6 years ..our mother turned up with a new father and a new the state gave us back to her..God answerd my prayers ..on the way to our new house we had a car accident and i got a broken nose,,the stepfather turned out to be a punch happy guy,,and he liked my little sister.i do not think God wanted to put me back with that sort of family but (i asked long enough and hard enough)so be careful what you ask for you just might get the way by the time i turned 17 i had put my stepfather in hospital..but the damage he caused has lasted a long time...i hope i have answerd your question,,,and thanks for listening,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


    terryfossil,i was gone read what you wrote as long as it is,but i stopped as soon as i got to, "the bible says". i'm not interested as to what the bible says,instead i want your own opinion to the question. i bet when somebody asks you,"how do i look", you will go like,"the bible says don't wear make up bla bla bla.." instead of just speaking your <cuss word removed by moderator> mind...i wonder what your mind is for because you don't use it.

    ...i'm sure even a man whose leg got chopped off can get it back if he prays hard and long enough according to the bible...

    kaybee...your ignorance of this response is sound like a putz...go find yourself another forum...perhaps you need to pull your head from your butt...your ears are plugged...!

    Kaybeeee, you are suspended for 3 days. You've been warned already about insulting the members here. I would e-mail you about this but I've been informed that you gave an invalid e-mail address.

    IF you come back, KB, I'd suggest you read the ENTIRE answer, instead of being so arrogant as to think you've nothing to learn. You put God into a question, and you ARE going to have Bible reference.
    We may not like everyone or everything we read around here, but (and I've learned this the hard way, as shall you), we RESPECT others' answers. If you disagree, post a respectful comment about what you disagree with and why.

    AND, "i was gone read" ????? Seriously, if you want us to think you are all that and a bag of chips, be literate.

    You can't make God do anything. He can see farther down the road then you can , so he knows what's best for you. He will take into consideration your prayers that ask him for something.

    Who's God?!


    Greatest quest of all time!

    Good question, "who is GOD?"....GOD is life and you are part of it Shaabb

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