    What do you put in your kid school lunch?

    +1  Views: 952 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    3 Answers

    I used to get liverwurst sandwiches, and everybody at the table knew it, phew...  They were good though!  I haven't eaten it in years, maybe I will go get some soon? 


    I'll bring some to the BBQ this Sunday, with some haggis too of course..;)

    I can always count on you, mate! thanks... p.s. we painted the house, it is now tan with blue shutters...

    Oh, my dad loved Liverworst, pigs feet, and buttermilk. He washed it down with Sherry or Ale. Oh Yuck. Try the Liverworst if you will and let us know.
    I'm always tempted to buy Mole at the store. Yes, Mole! Have you seen it? ROMOS, wanna try Mole for the BBQ?

    Yes, I will go out now and look for it Roy. I have the sherry and ale already...

    The truth is Don, that my mom raised 6 kids alone, and liverwurst was cheaper than other lunch meats. When we were kids, you did not get choices. I may like it for the nostalgia more than taste, come to think of it!

    You don't need to Ray, remember I'm bringing it?
    Never tried mole yet itsmee, sounds interesting.

    what color wine with Mole, red or white? Is is red meat or white? Just kidding, I know it isn't the animal mole, but what is it??
    country bumpkin


    There is a great Mexican food restaurant next to the Ft. Worth Stockyards that serves beef and cheese enchiladas with Mole Sauce..... MMMMMMM, my mouth is watering.

    I like Braunschwieger. Is that the same as liverwurst ?

    Yes, Liverwurst and Braunsweiger are very similar. I've eaten it with crackers or biscuits lately. You may also find a bacon-flavored version.

    Mole is delicious! Pronounced; Molay. Great on chicken and rice. Some add a spoon of peanut-butter to the sauce as it cooks. Yeah! Very good.

    cb, you might like it even more if you pronounce it molay. Your comment really made me laugh and I don't know if you were being funny and it doesn't matter.
    I believe beer is the beverage to drink with the mole, bustione.
    I have given myself the giggles really bad.
    ROMOS~Are we all invited to the BBQ at 2PM on Sunday. Guess what I'll be bringing on the silver platter?

    Yes all are invited, I am running around now, making final arrangements...

    Thanks for that recipe for Mole sauce, ROMOS. I know cb will love it.
    Country Bumpkin, would you like to be called another name?
    country bumpkin

    No, Itsmee. Country Bumpkin suites me well, or you can call me CB, or Country, or Bumpkin, or Bump for short.

    k, bunkin. :D

    This week it has been a ham and cheese sandwich, an apple, a muesli bar, and a bottle of water.

    They always got a sandwich of some sort....PB&J, ham, usually. I had the packets of string cheese, Capri Sun drink (or they bought a carton of milk), some kind of fruit (oranges, apples, berries), and a cookie or granola bar of some sort. Sometimes a few carrot sticks instead of the cheese.  I packed them a bunch of stuff, so they had snacks at recess if they wanted. They each got to buy a school lunch once a week. 


    I would love to see kids playing like that around here! I stayed with my son's "not-my-girlfriend's" daughter (5) while they went out with friends tonight (their first date in a very long time). She was such a chatterbox, and I enjoyed the time together.
    Yes, I miss my sons being children, being married, and making a home for them.

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