7 Answers
Don't give a damn actually.I never use it.Doctor advised me to use baby wipes a couple of years ago because of heamaroids.
11 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
GOOD GRIEF! Who empties the waste basket?EEEWWWW! I'll flush mine thanks.I'll deal with the toilet blockage if (& when) it ever happens.LOL
This is a tremendous amount of information on a subject that I never dreamed would be something to share. Glad to know and thanks to all!
Wipe on!
Wipe on!
I use double sided ,Toilet paper to save money,
11 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Let's run for office and get our picture in the local paper. We'll put our ideas together and try for syndication -- lots of money there.
this problem is easily solved by slicing the roll in half and then you can have to rolls each facing different directions
11 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
yeah,if you're living with someone who's picky and has to have his own way.Better yet, get a house or apt with 2 bathroom :-)
As a NYC Master plumber and expert witness this is the correct answer
Actually it depends if you have a cat in the home or little kids,
If the home has adults the roll should be away from the wall to grab the paper easier If children or cats are then then you want the paper against the wall so the cats - kids don't pull on it
11 years ago. Rating: 0 | |
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