    how to get crowns

    +1  Views: 1521 Answers: 5 Posted: 11 years ago

    5 Answers

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    If you are really careful, you can break one of your teeth chomping on a popcorn seed, or a piece of ice.  Then you can, as An Old Friend suggested, go to the dentist.  If you have been very careful about the angle at which you've cracked your tooth, you can get the dentist to drill it away to almost nothing, then put the "crown" on it.  If you aren't careful, though, it can crack in the wrong direction, and then the tooth will have to be pulled....a procedure not to be anticipated with delight.

    This gold crown would cost you about $1,000 IN your mouth.  OUT of your mouth, you'd get about $80.  


    Try heading the football on turf,

    I have lots of crowns. First, you have to have a tooth so bad, that the dentist would have to drill away too much of it for it to be much good.....So he says,  That's going to need a crown. So, he drills away, then fills it, then puts on a temp crown, and he sends away for your permanent crown . They used to be all gold, but a lot of them are plastic or porcelin now.

    Become a royal. You might try Prince Harry.


    Kate Middleton hasn't been crowned Princess yet....prob b/c she's a commoner. Princess Diana had more royalty in her than Charles did before they got married.

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