    Which is your favorite hotel in Las Vegas and why?

    +3  Views: 1458 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    4 Answers

    Helloooooo Tabby Tabs!

    I have been to Las Vegas once and I am sure that every hotel has changed since my visit.  Things are always under construction in Las Vegas... Bigger ... Better ... and far more sparkly as each construction is completed.

    I have no favorite and things seem to smell like strawberries.  I don't wish to recreate that at home.



    Have a glorious day... cute frog baby right!??!!



    Loving the animal pictures, Fishlet.

    Very cool! :) Thanks Fig!

    My parents took us to Las Vegas when we were children. I remember staying at The Sands and The Frontier. Dad was good friends with Mort Saiger, a man who once rode a horse for the Pony Express and has an exhibit dedicated to him at UNLV.  

    Following the demise of those two fine establishments, The Las Vegas Hilton became their hosts. NOW that has become the Las Vegas Hotel, and has lost its mediocre charm.

    I like the Venetian and Caesar's Palace, but have never stayed at either. 

    My favourite is the Venetian. How do you replicate the real Venice ? Well, you can't. Real Gondolas and blue-sky painted ceilings don't exactly take me back to the City of Love. But it certainly has a feel-good ambiance the moment you enter. 

    What does it for me are the dozens of top notch restaurants that ,alone, are worth the stay (or visit).

    Of course, there are numerous other top-end hotels on the Strip but no other houses that many great Italian eateries as the Venetian. And yes, I AM partial to Italian !

    I've been there three times;

    Once as a teenager, I went for the Ski-Ball.

    Twice as an adult. My Dad's new bride had spelled her name incorrectly for their  first Marriage License :)




    You do know that I just have to ask ... How did she manage to spell her own name wrong?

    I am a curious fish. :)

    Let's just say...lack of practice due to cultural differences ;)
    She grew up as a Mexican country girl!

    Variety on the theme of the name. I like it.
    My name is spelled incorrectly on my Canadian Citizenship documents. Apparently that makes not one spit of difference. Me and my alter ego are both Canadian Citizens.

    Could that be defined as dual-citizenship?
    Uhh, eh Charly! We've got a self proclaimed dually here!
    Well, she says that she was born one person but then, buy permission from the Canadian government, is allowed to operate under an assumed Canadian name. You'd better hurry eh! She's flippin' 'round like a fish out the water you know...take off eh!


    I was 12 and having a bad hair day. The lady behind the counter spelled my name wrong. That is my story and I am sticking to it.

    I don't even want to tell you how my father ended up with a middle name that his parents did not choose. :D

    Aahh...a 12 year old Kaycee! Was a bad hair picture taken? Hhmmmmm?
    Wow, imagine that. An illiterate records keeper!
    Was she an alien?

    A bad hair day at 12 is serious business when photos are involved. I am shocked and surprised that you are taking this lightly. As for the rest, I think the woman thought my name needed more flair.

    I'm right there with you honey. Ummm.....Can you sing? ;0


    Phil's hair at it's largest.

    He's modeling the Diva look for his clients:)

    Very effective.

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