    How to keep your mouth shut......

    Never a dull moment here, as you know. 
    We've had a major upheaval with the son who has the 3 little ones. Custody papers are signed and in order (he went to a lawyer).  Van has been pulled out of sand in dry pond bed by a tractor (tow truck couldn't handle it), driven there by his girlfriend's drug-dealing, on parole, lover. (This is just the tip of the iceberg, which will remain submerged)
    Son can't seem to understand/accept the kids' mom is a meth-wh***, alcoholic.  She's disrespectful to everyone, but especially my son, who continues to "take the high road" and show care and compassion for the woman whose treachery put him on the brink of suicide a week ago. 
    It's important to continue being the one he can talk to, (he is staying with me, as are the kids when he has them, 50-50), but so hard to keep my mouth shut and watch him make the same mistakes countless others have made before him. His brothers have first hand knowledge of her infidelity, which she has lied about, of course.   

    1.SHOULD his brothers tell him what they know (FACTS) (and, yes, it probably won't make a bit of difference)
    2.How do YOU keep quiet when you want to scream? 

    +6  Views: 1704 Answers: 19 Posted: 11 years ago

    PKB- - -how do you know all 3 of the kids are his ? You said she's a ho and she has a boy-friend- - - other than your son.

    It's called"paternity testing".

    19 Answers

    We raise them with values and then give them wings. Don't take on "his" problems, let him solve his own and on his own terms. Meanwhile, bite your tongue. I know, easier said than done.


    Thank you for your perspective, witchway. I suggested he see a therapist or counselor. He used to visit an awesome pastor weekly just to play checkers and have a male to relate to. When I made the suggestion, his thoughts immediately went to Bill, whom he thought was deceased. I gave him the phone number and hope he makes the call. Bill's wife and daughter were two of his preschool teachers, so there is a history. If anyone can sort this out with him, it's Bill. His health is poor (post polio syndrome); hopefully, he can receive visitors. He always enjoyed their visits, too.

    If the brother's are going to tell what they know,I hope it is a strong bond that they have because that can backfire on then in a New York minute.I say let him find the truth for himself.As for you,tune the fools out and get into those grand babies and your son just may learn what what really matters in life.All the best to you Bob...

    It seems you've tried everything. I guess they won't grow up.....until they MUST!  That will happen when they MUST!

    At this point all I can do is pray for you and yours.  I encourage you to go into a closet, put a blanket to you mouth and scream bloody murder. Do it again. I’m emailing you as soon as this sends…….


    Read my latest email and do as it says…….

    Scream Bob.Jump up & down.Rant & rave.Somehow you have to get thru to him.You don't deserve this stress.A woman like your son's girlfriend doesn't deserve to have 3 kids,but isn't it always the way.


    kids happen

    Drama drama drama! Will the brothers do what you want them to?  It seems it can't be to horrific if you can go to the gym after this statement!  And I might add I will probably wish I was like Hector and not say  nothing! Too late now!


    My back is stiff and having spasms. The gym has some stretching machines. It is an escape, too.
    It makes sense to question, clu. It does sound weird to post this question on the way out the door to the gym.

    @Bob....working out when you're stressed is a great way to relax!

    Ducky, thank you for being you.

    None of this is of your making Bob,stand by your son,But you deserve a life,

    Family secrets are hazardous...."damned if you do....damned if you don't." This is where the term, "Ignorance is bliss and wisdom is divine," comes to mind. Then I hear that age old remedy; "Keep your pie-hole shut!", "It ain't none of your business!" and "Keep that to yourself!".  When it comes to Business secrets it's "Who needs to know?" also National Secrets.....but includes no warnings generally. With family secrets.....thinking back over my own....My family was addicted to "forget it" and applied that to any and every spoken consideration that my parents thought should be dismissed. Dismissiveness leads to abandonment. I reside in California and my family members who survive, reside in Virginia....we have nothing to discuss. We simply "forgot about them" both ways.

    That's the problem with keeping isolates people and destroys families. Everyone has an opinion about everyone else and can't wait for them to leave the room to talk about them with the "in"  group and laugh about it later or as they leave the room. All those opinions circulating about like a private tasting party of secret witches as to unify the group opinion and swear everyone to common secrecy.

    ....And if the "Mark" ever figures it  all out or is told by a squealer, then there is "denial" to cover all that back up. "They were talking about someone else, not you, dear."  And then when you confront others with what they said...denied, one and all alike. I think, he or she, must be going crazy. and off to the funny farm we go. Aunt Martha is so much nicer and a bit forgetful now that she has had electro-shock therapy. 


    Good answer Rob.I understood every word of it.")
    terryfossil 1 you write books?????

    Just scream and let them get on with the rest of their lives, you've tried your best, seems like no one is listening.


    I'm going to the gym.
    Should his brothers tell him what they know?

    Let the boy's/brothers do your screaming for you.Another words let em tell their other sibling what's up,your stressed out enough from what i see. Take control of what you can, no matter how hard you can't control their actions but you can however control yours . As far as screaming go ahead and scream you got every right to do so.whatever helps your stress..!!

    Bob, the boys are so lucky to have you, I would instruct the boys to sit him down and quietly tell him what he needs to hear.  Hopefully he will listen, and it may help with his handling of this dreadful woman.  All the best, you and yours are in our prayers...  Regards


    Thank you. One of them has spoken up and he was grateful to learn the truth. My son does not want to be lied to or be made to look a fool. Who does. He knows his brothers won't lie to him. He knows she will.

    It will take time.

    yes his brothers should sit him down quietly and spill the beans, it's for his own good in the end.. as for question two, just grin and bear it, it will all work out eventually i'm sure....



    Hello, Bill, and welcome to akaQA. I hope you'll enjoy the site and be here as often as time permits. Living in Spain! Must be nice...
    Thanks for your answer. One brother is going to tell him what he knows. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

    Let your son's do the talking, you have done enough, stand back and give some time to youself for a change. They will learn to stand on their own feet ,one day they will have to.

    Good luck and god bless Bob.

    I would keep your mouth shut been there with nearly the same with ex girlfriend of son he did find out in time and regrets deeply in what he took from her ( her abuse And drugs Nd being a slut ) he will come round to your way of thinking soon good luck you have time on your side it's useless in telling his brothers to have a word with him as he won't belief anyone as the sounds to me that he still cares for her

    hey bob,,,,i think you have enough answers to your question without me putting my two bobs worth in...however read em all,,sit down and think about em,,,make a decision....then take the road that best suits you and the whole situation.....i really do wish you the best,,,,,not an easy one.............................

    a man will usually listen to another man before he'll listen to a woman. So, like many other people  here have said , have his brothers talk to him about it. You can certaily give him your opinion, but if you want to make headway, have a man who he respects give him a " Dutch Uncle "  lecture. Do you have a male cousin or brother or neighbor who can talk to him ? - - - - - -preferably someone who's a little older  ?  It doesn't sound like the kids should be with the mother at all, b/c she's not a fit mother. They should be with him and you  100%  of the time.

    I find that as I get older, I am getting better at it, but sometimes slip and say things. 


    My sister is busy encouraging my son to have a working relationship with the kids' egg donor.She couldn't say a nice word about her son's ex-fiancee when we were helping him move a couple of days ago. It's so much easier to tell someone what to do than do it one's self. It was almost comical, but I did see how it distressed my nephew, so will take the hint when I'm with my son.

    #1-Both brothers at the same time.

    This article may apply;



    Thank you, figtree3. That explains a lot (more than I want it to....)

    What was it you said Bob,?????????


    My main comments are about the track record she has when it comes to being a loving partner and a nurturing mother. Now I've learned she "lost" his dog (on purpose)just after this all transpired. When he says kids need both of their parents, I tell him that's fine IF the parents are showing their children a healthy, loving, peaceful relationship, yeah, but not when there are no clean dishes, the garbage is overflowing, black widows infest the yard, and mom straps the one year old into a car seat and parks him in front of Jerry Springer while she swills beer and lays on the couch.
    My son is not faultless, obviously. He works 48 +hours straight, but you still need to take care of your home. He's great with the kids, but still has lots of growing up to do.

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