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That question has been asked repeatedly on this website. Click on the reference below, and you can find over a dozen answers from the last time it was asked.
11 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
Really! The meaning of life hasn't changed recently, has it? :D
P.S. Got 2 sons and 3 grandchildren here now. The custody papers were signed yesterday, so the kids will be in an out. I'm going nuts-er.
P.S. Got 2 sons and 3 grandchildren here now. The custody papers were signed yesterday, so the kids will be in an out. I'm going nuts-er.
It'smee, no. They reconciled, if you want to call it that and moved back in together. That lasted less than a month. Now my son is house sitter at my mom's, so he has a comfortable home. Her parents refused to take her back into their home so she is working with social services for a home. Guess there are some really nice place available for her. She is still using drugs and is an alcoholic.
The journey. Don't forget to open your eyes and admit your short comings.
Life is a glorious adventure.
11 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Holy Squawkamoly Fishes you got that right....jus' keep swimming...jus' keep swimming....(love that movie) ;D
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