    Is it any kind of disease?

    I`m just sick and tired with the situation in my family. I don`t know how to describe the state of my dad. He was a normal teenage in his generate, he fell in love with my mother they married, now we are 4 kids. He was a normal husband, he loved us, he loved my mother. He was a person who worked with sweat. Now he is 37 years old, he hates my mom , my grandpa, my big brother, my aunt, and my uncle. He speaks sometimes  things that, if i stop and analyze his opinions are very aggressive, and  silly. Sometimes he is very a lovely person, he is kind with us, make ask myself , did he was yesterday?  I know that he has an affair, i don`t care for that, i am learn with that now but he argues in family. He speaks for the family members bad with every cousin or friend he meet . He hate my big brother, he argues with him with no reason then he just blush his face and he looks like a person , like a a poor child who needs help.I can`t describe his state, which is in the reality, because it`s so hard to describe. But anyway i love him, his my dad, i can`t see him in this way, it`s like he is sick of any diseases of the nervous system and when he has any paroxysm his face blush, its like all the bloody in his body is so red. Anyway i`ll try to love even when he 

    screams to us with no reason.

    0  Views: 712 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    It is great that you are showing compassion and understanding towards your Dad. As for the problem, one day take out foe walk or coffee and ask him what is bothering him and how you can help. Let's see.

    2 Answers

    Sounds like your dad is stressed and not coping. Mood swings like this need to be treated. Can you have a talk with him ? Explain to him that you have noticed a lot of changes in him and your worried about his mental health. If he agrees to see a doctor, you might get your good old dad back.


    I know his character, and he treat me like his little girl that don`t know life and problems of life. And feels like he is the only that is doing things in the right way. I know what do you mean to do, but it`s something different. It`s not of stress or anything, he looks similar like a kid that don`t know for what is searching from his life. I have heard many different stories of stress, depression etc. But he`s something very different, you can`t call him like a crazy man or like a normal man. People face the psychological situations, but i wouldn`t call like a psychological situation it`s something more different that can`t find word to describe.

    How long has your dad been like this ? If it is only recent there is something obviously causing it.

    In fact my mother claim that since 2003 he started an affair, then i was little girl 5 years old, he changed his behavior like a person that has an affair but now he is completely different. Sometimes think if he has take drug but no he hasn`t symptoms, maybe drunk something, just i don`t know. It`s like a serious disease of nervous system, because when he does something it`s like he doesn`t know what is he doing. Often after the argue, even if he judge and blame someone, after that his face blush and then he is like a poor kid.

    Your family  needs family counceling. If you parents won't go with you, then just you go to a councelor at your school, or place of worship. Is your dad on drugs of any kind ?  or does he drink too much ?

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