    help me

    no money

    +1  Views: 977 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago

    6 Answers

    Same problem here, no work, no money, bummer eh?

    It’s not like I have any of my own and I’m not that generous to strangers anyhow. Go fly a sign, they make pretty good money……….

    The best way to "know" money is to earn it. Get a job.

    I'm broke   it just makes you sing the blues I'm so broke and just don't know what to do got no money don't know what to do o my Lord help me when I'm broke don't know what to do old B.B King playing his guitar""

    Personally, I really dislike money….It is dirty, having been handled by 300 people before it got to me…spreading their health problems along the way like litter. Then there is the misperception that those paper slips and metal disks have value if you find someone willing to exchange it for something else….thus turning yourself into the vector of whatever was on that bill or coin. I have met several people who washed cleaned and pressed money to element the consideration that they were also a vector of illness handling money with the sticky smell of cough medicine. I would like to see all currency sterilized by all money handlers. Its easy… an ultraviolet  sanitizing scanner would work. It’s a global problem. So nikky.odor, here is a chance for you to earn money and save the world at the same time….patent and market the idea.       

    only thing i can say to lift you up,,,,,you are in the majority good buddy

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