6 Answers
You sound like aquaintense of mine, a dead one. Nobody went to her funeral……..
11 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
How do you know that no one went? Someone had to have went or you wouldn't know there was no one there! Or whatever!
Her sister held it. So, she was there. Miriam was a very sad, bitter, self centered person. I didn’t wish her ill but she died all alone at age 50
Miriam was only lonely in her own mine. She was lonely in a crowd. she would literally beg us with “what about me?” when we were all talking and not about her.We weren’t being mean, she just wanted to hear us talk about her. She died lonely because nobody could stand to be around. She made me slap her once and just stood there. I hated her for making me slap her. She was evil.
jh, nobody can MAKE you slap them. Now, you're prob going to slap me for telling you that.
MCM, I am the most even tempered unflustered person you could me. She was evil and brought out the worst in anybody. Truly, truly. It’s been15 years now and I won’t even slap a bug now……….
Julie, as one who has gotten to know you pretty well, I'll vouch for you in that you would have to be pushed beyond reasonable limits to lay a hand on ANYONE. If you were provoked to the point of slapping Miriam, I'm pretty sure it was reflexive and not thought through. There are some people here I'd like to slap with words, but, well, you know...
I have known a person or two like this Miriam! I now wish I had slapped them! Maybe they died alone and happily miserable!
Well Julie I got to say I would rather get slapped than spit on! I think spitting is the most horrible thing in the world! There is NOTHING worse than a spit to me!!
Clu is right; spitting is the height of disgusting. There was a kid who did a lot of spitting on classmates. I told the teacher that if I heard of him spitting on anyone again, I would report him (and especially the teacher) for assault. There is the potential for major disease in spit.
Slapping was more effective, Julie, and less offensive.
Slapping was more effective, Julie, and less offensive.
“What about me?” Feeling left out at the party and everyone else is laughing, telling jokes and it’s so.o.o.o sad, sitting in a corner, no where to go….no friends…and I hav to blow my nose… boo..who.o.o.o. ….. ….. … Come on kid, get a grip and enjoy the show, all those folk having fun and you; sitting around crying like you are left out. It just ain’t true cause you are leaving yourself out by thinking your unwelcome and unworthy. You are welcome and worthy and that is why we are here because everyone is welcome including you….so see if you can find a question that you like and give answering it a go. Welcome to AKAQA.com.
11 years ago. Rating: 3 | |
Did you notice the question was "What abut me?" Perhaps our new member has embarrassed him/her self by doing something a**worthy???
abut |əˈbət|
verb ( abuts, abutting , abutted ) [ with obj. ]
(of an area of land or a building) be next to or have a common boundary with: gardens abutting Prescott Street | [ no obj. ] : a park abutting on an area of wasteland.
• touch or lean upon: masonry may crumble where a roof abuts it.
I think the word Ayara was truing to express was “about” as the definition “abut” does not seem to apply…or is it a colloquial or slang word that I may have missed? You commented “What about you?” <<?>>
verb ( abuts, abutting , abutted ) [ with obj. ]
(of an area of land or a building) be next to or have a common boundary with: gardens abutting Prescott Street | [ no obj. ] : a park abutting on an area of wasteland.
• touch or lean upon: masonry may crumble where a roof abuts it.
I think the word Ayara was truing to express was “about” as the definition “abut” does not seem to apply…or is it a colloquial or slang word that I may have missed? You commented “What about you?” <<?>>
Oh, I'd put money on "about". It was just looking at things differently. The definition of "abut" certainly makes no sense, but "a butt" could. People spell things so randomly around here.....
True , Bob…I enjoy posting definitions where there are conflicting terms.
But it does seem to clarify the terms so that the line-up of opinion goes away. Arguing over baseless opinions in commentary certainly does rack the nerves when two misperceptions meet head-on that are held like something precious….oh... so precious…to be protected and withheld from the glaring light of truth…least precious dissolves…...something in the toilet bowl told me it was ______________.
But it does seem to clarify the terms so that the line-up of opinion goes away. Arguing over baseless opinions in commentary certainly does rack the nerves when two misperceptions meet head-on that are held like something precious….oh... so precious…to be protected and withheld from the glaring light of truth…least precious dissolves…...something in the toilet bowl told me it was ______________.
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