    I installed a new picture for my screensaver. When viewed up close (on my lap), the pixels are very

    evident, and the picture is blurred. When viewed from a greater distance, the pixels aren't evident, and the picture is clear. How do I fix it, so that when I have the computer up close, it isn't blurry? I didn't have this problem with my previous screensaver.

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    0  Views: 3704 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers

    Change the size of the wallpaper >

    hi go to the settings site on your pc. there u will see disply . on there you will find how to change the screen settings, usually go to the highest one that allows you to see the picture clearly without being compromised, after this simply hit the apply button and it should stay in that ratio,.

    however there is a caveat to all of this, you pc needs to run at a certain appearance and performance setting, if you find you have to keep changing it back and forth from your scrreeensaver to adjust for proper running of your pc,m then either get a new picture or when u find a new screen saver make sure it is one that allows for the higest settings on your pc, as well you can access literally thousands of screen savers from free sites,

    if it is a picture of family or something like that which is personal and u happened to use a camera make sure you use a camera of at least 10 mp to allow for maximum clarity and it wont make u change the settings on your pc all the time either



    hopes this helps



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