puguin, do you love YOUR life ?
8 Answers
Yes indeedy, happier than a pig in S***.
11 years ago. Rating: 8 | |
LOL....We REALLY are talking about Curry here. We had Indian food delivered and I got the second hottest curry on the menu. He took one bite of mine and suffered an instantaneous meltdown.
Why Mr. ROMOS, I thought those southern belles were all mellow and laid back and unflappable. Whatever are you talkin' 'bout?
@Don...ROMOS and I must stop meeting? But we are cyber friends! Oh please don't come between us! LOL!!
The new one is doing fine Don,last one in my life,we are all mostly romantics around this site,I love nearly everyone here mate.
I have many blessings, but I can't say that I love my life,.......b/c I don't have any family . My brother lives in another state, and ignores me. Ditto for his wife and kids-----MY neice and nephew.
If I had children adn grand children living nearby, I would enjoy taking them places, and seeing the workd for the first time- - - -thru the kids' eyes.
11 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
I don't believe that a person's happiness, depends on other people. It is totally dependent on your own attitude and it cannot be lived in the state of "if only". That creates permanent sadness, in my opinion, because no one has a life that turns out exactly as they planned...in many cases, it's not even close!
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