    Is it a catch 22 ? Is Mr Obama is going to attack Iran?, to help which side? when both are bad? ?

    And why are all the very very rich Arabs states not sorting out their own problems?after all it is just as important if not more so for them, than us for Terrorists not to rule on their boarders,? Please do not say oil is the problem. America it has been proven that she can become self sufficient and at the same time it will give thousands of jobs," I say sing them a hym Jim " They (Arabs ) can spend some of their more than abundant filthy money to sort out their own filthy killer brethren, don't call us we are not at home!!! "Mr Obama please try at least show a mode come of leadership and be a taad more decisive" give your blessing forthwith for the oil pipe line,  Your country needs it N/B To keep open the sewerage whoops I mean Seweze channel  Who gets the fees, Not America.

    0  Views: 1543 Answers: 8 Posted: 11 years ago



    terryfossil 1

    hi Bamba,i seen a bit on Aussie news yesterday concerning Obama,, he has appairently said america will not tolerate chemical warfare anywhere,,,now other countries who are smaller than america but side with america,,,i guess for the protection that america might give ,,,,are now saying what if a chemical attack happens to them,,will america protect them,,,,in aussie we fly under the english flag,,and that is our heritage,,,though that is changing,,,,,,,,,so in the 2nd world war churchhill was happy to let the Japanese take Australia,,,as we sit in the asian rim we are surrounded by our enemys,,,so that leaves us sitting on a firecracker,,,,,
    bamba zonkie

    Hi terryfossil 1* G day mate smart talking to you, I agree saying it like you say could be a problem. But not really if you bear the following in mind, America is in one heck of a situation, first of all if Obama helps overthrow the Assad government the people who will take over will be worse killers than he is, we have seen film of them killing their prisoners,(just shooting them without a question) two thirds of them are linked to Alkaida the group that downed the world trade centre. Nobody wants them to win.Trust me if anybody laid a harmful finger on you guys I and the rest of the free world would set their rear ends on fire before they had a chance to blink,they also realise that if they ever were stupid enough to attack You Aussies are one of the best in the world, You may not be very good at rugby any more, But fighters top dogs cheers

    8 Answers

    Obama likes war. He likes to play with his war toys. The majority of this country is against another war. The USA has been at war with one country or another over the past 12 years. We are tired of war. We are tired of our military people getting killed for no good cause or reason. The USA is broke, the economy is on the verge of going into another recession. It can not afford another war. Congress has said NO to war only to have Obama write himself out another executive order giving himself permission to play war man again. Why this man is not impeached yet is beyond logic. He wants to invade Iran again to go after the very group he claimed only 2 months ago were on the run and disbanded. Now suddenly they are this huge threat again. Really? He wants to send missiles to Syria because "someone" used gas but they still are not sure which side used the gas. But what the heck, lets send missiles anyway! The man is out of control and is nothing but a lie manufacturing machine. The only one Obama helps is himself. He does not care about Americans or other countries. He is not the savior, he is the killer. He likes war and he likes his missiles and drones. 

    bamba zonkie

    Colleen spoken like a true (American) A man as deluded as he apparently, is has a very thick skin / head no sense will penetrate even if you force feed him and He does seem to be sticking his big foot into his mouth, alarmingly far to frequently for my liking it quite frankly is very alarming, somebody should try and point out to him and that talking dummy his 2nd in command, that the wild west is a thing of the past, He needs to move over and allow people who can think to take control whoever that may be, thanks have a very nice day cheers

    Careful, according to the Obama backers, the word "patriot" is akin to swearing. It's a bad, bad word and to be a patriot now, one is considered to be an enemy of the USA.

    Personally Colleen, what I can't stand is this dithering about major issues that need clear and definitive positions. A red line in the sand, what use is a red line if you're not going to do anything when its crossed and why make the statement if you aren't fully prepared for the consequences that may ensue?

    The problem is, he drew the red line but then did not have the proof that anything happened that crossed the line.
    bamba zonkie

    He passes the buck to everybody else, and then goes and plays a few rounds of golf, what could this say about a leader who cares about civilians + children being gassed,? leaves all those war ships waiting the costs are astronomical(the caring leader) "The empathy king"? Benghazi 4 good people dead,? (no resolution) spying on his own people,? I.R.S. to name another, The list is seems to be endless, Impeach him and the country,(not so much ) minority's will riot,I feel for America,You guys are stuck between a rock and a very hard place, how is it possible to lead without a leader? there is a way,but It would mean a bit of deterioration before any improvement,

    Bigben, you seem to think in B&W only. There are shades of grey in real life. It's no joke to be a Pres. and these are serius issues.

    >sawali: I appreciate shades of grey. However, those shades of grey are based on definitive positions and are reached through analysis, debate, and research. Also, I understand that it's no simple job to be president. But, what I can't understand is what seems to be your inability to understand that those shades of grey you speak of are evidence of his vacillation and dithering. I mean, come on, his attempt to redefine the definition of coup. If that isn't a shady grey area, nothing is. His wobbling on what to do for over a year and a half were all justified by what amounted to shades of grey. I think he's been ineffective because he wallows in shade of grey.

    Ben, he now claims HE never drew the red line or made the statement. He says THE PEOPLE drew the red line and THE PEOPLE want him to attack.

    Sawali, when will you get it? The joke IS Obama. Worse president ever. His approval rating is in the toilet and the world is laughing at him. Even Russia thumbs her nose at him, almost like a challenge to the welfare mooching weakling in the white house.

    >Colleen: I couldn't believe it when I read yesterday in the paper that he made that comment about the red line and that the people want him to attack. Maybe, he should look at the polls again because a vast majority of the country are not in favor of an attack. He's mismanaged foreign affairs so badly we be suffering the consequences for decades.

    Well today's news is that he is now considering letting the UN work with Russia for a solution on how to get Syria to give up it's chemical weapons. I do not believe the Syrian government used them or has them. I believe the rebels that Obama has been helping right along has them and I believe they got them from a secret mission that passed the weapons on to them via Benghazi. I still maintain that Benghazi holds the answer to the weapons in Syria now.

    This situation is beyond confusing. Personally, I think that I have ascertained the problem. DIAPER RASH!!!!! Because of the climate these poor people have been suffering for centuries. If we send them several boatloads of baby powder it could solve the whole mess. They are just grouchy.

    Kidding aside, I think that Israel, as a ally of the U.S. , will force our hand and we will bomb Iran. The problem with Iran is that it's a theocracy and seems to be more focused on eliminating Israel than working toward its own good and would sacrifice its people in order to do that. Also, most of the western governments agree that Iran cannot be allowed to get the bomb.

    But, who really knows? This area is so complicated with sectarian violence of Sunni vs. Shiites, religious vs. secular, Jews vs. everyone else and the complication of the Syrian civil war that any possible outcome is pure speculation.

    bamba zonkie

    I agree entirely with what you say but America could in my opinion simplify the whole situation by taking a step backwards become oil self sufficient simultaneously warn the Arabs categorically, that Israel if attacked by anybody will invoke instantaneous full no holds bared retaliation from America, allow them to sort things out, find out who is at the end ruling who, then they can talk to us, we could then speak with authority for a change instead of looking up and allowing them to dictate to us, at the finale analysis they need us more than we need them Good Plan HU!!

    bigben-bamba zonkie
    You're right, in my opinion. I think that we could be more definitive in our policy instead of the vacillating protestations of president Obama. I also believe that the congress should be more involved in foreign problems with long range consequences.

    King Obama needs to allow congress to be involved before he runs his mouth then. Any attack on another country must be voted on in congress. The king can not just say he is going to attack without approval of congress. They do not need his approval to vote on this. The people are protesting Obama's belief that he did not and does not need congress to make decisions.

    Arab states have not unified their associations as a collective union with common laws and centrist political views for the purpose of collective bargaining and mutual respect among all Arab states. This lack of a common accord leaves these peoples in harms way at every turn. Their principal leadership is based on the guidance of elders and religious leaders. These leaders do occasionally meet to seek common views. Our CIA has bombed these conferences and these action have propitiated the angst as conflict in the region rather than allow the potential for a resolution of conflicts to emerge.  These action against Arab unification has been painful to observe knowing that the overall sentiment of these people is a love of peace and progress. That we are the ones who are causing this unrest is a fact born our national fascenation with upholding bullies and secret agendas. Bombing a known terrorist in the midst of  a council of elders is a despicable crime against peace and humanity.   

    bamba zonkie

    robert grist spelled with a small r,thank you for answeing, you do seem to be well informed and "O"fey with the goings on in the minds of our Arab friends, but unfortunately, what you have said only seems to reinforces the fact that they are apparently a bunch of wimps, who will follow blindly any big mouthed anu*es who shouts / threatens loud enough and supplys drugs and booze as well as promises that if they die they go some form of Valhalla and get laid by a whole bunch of non existent fairy's the mind only can wonder. have a grand day
    robert grist

    The propitiation of conflict is done by brutally killing all leaders…Reduced to a culture of leaderless people they will seek revving generationally on their common enemy thereafter leading to the eventual end of life on the planet. Killing leaders propitiates their cause.

    Well said, Robert.
    bamba zonkie

    Once again "WHY SHOULD WE GET INVOLVED ?" it patently has nothing to do with us, We should withdraw, completely sit back wait for the dogs of war to settle down and sort out who finally thinks they own the bone, At least then, we could perhaps recognise whose friend or foe, and go from there right now we could be helping our biggest enemy the big (ALKAIDER spelling not good)we would then not only be back where we started but as usual looking like frigging idiots, as well as broke to boot, KEEPING OUT is to my mind the only thing that makes sense Do you agree with me or not? cheers
    robert grist

    Bamba Zonkie…My point exactly, we should not punish the Syrian leadership for their crimes. The People of Syria should free themselves from their Poison gas government and do so with as little bloodshed as possible….Because life is indeed precious and they need to defend and fight those who would deny them life. Winning that prize on their own and without our prompting will strengthen their resolve to live free or die trying. They should and must find the courage to stand on their own.

    hi guys,sorry to say ,but i always have a problem when everybody agrees,,to neat and tidy,,,,,more to the story....but certainly a lot of room for debate


    Hi Terry, I moved your second answer to this question to the blue area. Please be sure to answer a question only one time as a new answer. You can post to the blue section above as many times as you need to. Thanks!

    Is Iran going to attack Mr, O'bama,??


    USA is too far.

    Israel would suffice as an attack against America.

    Too far ? The U.S. was attacked in 3 places on 9-11-2001 .

    You reckon isral will have its comepance ,in its time,

    For the Palestinian people?
    I hope so Dougal.

    Germany thought that ,but were do they stand now,??they where the Experts on gas , and yet still the Experts on Econonmy,

    Nice to send all those people for a shower then talk about atrocities, we have to move forward though Dennis.

    Lot of hot air. Obama ain't attacking anybody. I think all nations should work with toothless UN because USA can't bully.


    The main job of the U.N. is to veto anything the U.S. wants to do .
    bamba zonkie

    Hi sawali U.S.A. can bully but should not,It takes a clever predator, to know when to attack or not, even a lion will not attack a healthy Porcupine,the consequences could be painful,Sadly Mr Obama does not fall in my opinion under that category, cheers

    Obama likes war

    bamba zonkie

    Hi afsha shaikh 5 Lest we forget he is after all a Nobel peace prise winner (he should give it back) in my opinion he only likes war when it suits him,he seems to have very little feelings for anybody else.

    afsha, I don't think he likes war. In fact he withdrew from Iraq and doing so in Afghanistan. He must be pushed into war. But he will have to think very hard - there is no such thing as half pragnent.

    Sawali, do not rely on your media to tell you the truth. He is only withdrawing the troops that he sent to Afghanistan AFTER he said he would bring all the troops in Afghanistan home. If he did not like war, he would not have put us in more wars that Bush Sr and junior did. Who is pushing him into a war in Syria? The majority of voices, including voices from Syria are telling him not to invade or send missiles. Against all advice, he is still trying to push forward with attacking Syria. HE WANTS A WAR! Oh and we still have troops in Iraq and he wants to go back into Iraq and war some more.
    bamba zonkie

    Hi sawali Interesting that you say that but if you look closely at his record, Arguably I think he only seems to enjoy war when somebody else pulls the trigger, for example all the drone strikes that he apparently sanctioned on his watch, his latest story with a strike on Assad and his gang of institutionalised killer thugs, he needs to pull the trigger, which he is not happy with,you see he has warned them way in advance of the strike so they have moved civilians, innocent people in the path of possible American targets,THAT IF FOR NO OTHER REASON IS WHY AMERICA SHOULD NOT!!! DO IT(AMERICA WILL!! BE BLAMED FOR COLLATERAL DEATHS MARK THESE WORDS) To add insult to injury him with his red line story he sadly put his foot in his own mouth,this is only my humble opinion cheers

    Bamba, They only gave him the Nobel b/c he wasn't Bush.

    They gave it to him because he had nothing of importance in his history that made him president material. He served as a senator for 1/2 a term, that's it. They needed to fluff up his resume.

    Colleen, you have mentioned 1/2 term Senator etc BUT the fact is BO is a 2 term Pres.! Give him some credit for achievements.

    He got his first presidency on the mere fact that peopel saw his skin color first and let their egos carry them away by having the opportunity to say, "I voted for the first black president of the USA". It did not matter to them what his credentials or lack there of were. They just wanted to look cool by voting for the first black man (who is not black but mixed race). If Hillary had not been paid off and offered whatever deal she got, she would not have stepped out of the race and given it over to Obama. Hillary was leading the race at the time proving Americans were ready for a first female president more than they were a first "black" president. Obama was not chosen because he was the better choice. He was chosen by the blacks because they thought he was going to take care of them. He was chosen by the welfare moochers because he promised them free stuff. He was chosen by his party and white independents trying to prove they were not prejudice because that's how the media played it. He stole the election the second time. The NSA spying on the enemies camp and feeding him information and the IRS harassing his opposing parties getting them to stop backing their candidate or making it impossible for them to raise the money necessary for their candidate to run. There is also the issue of voter fraud. Illegal aliens were voting and voting m ore than one time. There is the evidence of this voter fraud. Some have even been interviewed and have admitted to it. There were towns and districts reporting 110% of their people voted for Obama. Philly was one of those even though my mom has a number of friends who live there and they did not vote of Obama. He lied, cheated and stole the 2nd election. Everyone knows it but with his party as house majority and Eric Holder in his pocket, nothing will be done about it. No one accepts his second election as valid except for those who helped him cheat his way into it. He is a bad president and the people are against him. He has made a mess of everything and continues to stick his nose onto messes it does not belong in. The way you protect him sawali, and knowing your religion I have to wonder sometimes if you are not an al Qaeda supporter. I'm being serious. al Qaeda are the only ones who love and support him the way you do. al Qaeda are who is causing the mess in Syria. Obama will be the cause of WWIII. He is this generations Hitler and you support him. Sad.

    A list of his achievements I can give him credit for.

    First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.

    First President to have a social security number belonging to another man,from a state he has never lived in.

    First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States.

    First President to violate the War Powers Act.

    First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.

    First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party; Obamacare, not a health care but a forced tax (which is against the US Constitution) as recorded in the decision made by the Supreme court Justices.

    First President to spend a trillion dollars on "shovel-ready" jobs when there was no such thing as "shovel-ready" jobs.*
    * *
    *First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.

    First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.

    First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S. including those with criminal convictions.

    First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.

    First President to tell a CEO of a major corporation (Chrysler) to resign.

    First President to terminate America’s ability to put a man in space.

    First President to cancel the National Day of Prayer and to say that America is no longer a Christian nation.

    First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.

    First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.

    First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke out on the reasons for their rate increases.

    First President to tell a major manufacturing company in which state it is allowed to locate a factory.

    First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).

    First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago.

    First President to actively try to bankrupt an American industry (coal).

    First President to fire an inspector general of AmeriCorps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.

    First President to appoint 45 czars to replace elected officials in his office.

    First President to surround himself with radical left wing anarchists.

    First President to golf 73 separate times in his first two and a half years in office, 102 to date.

    First President to hide his medical, educational and travel records.

    First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.

    First President to go on multiple "global apology tours" and concurrent "insult our friends" tours.

    First President to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends paid for by the

    First President to have 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife.

    First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense.*
    * *
    *First President to fly in a personal trainer from Chicago at least once a week at taxpayer expense.*
    * *
    *First President to repeat the Holy Quran & tell us the early morning call of the Azan (Islamic call to worship) is the most beautiful sound on earth.

    First President to tell the military men and women that they should pay for their own private insurance because they "volunteered to go to war and knew the consequences."

    Then he was the First President to tell the members of the military that
    THEY were UNPATRIOTIC for balking at the last suggestion.*
    * *
    *First President to side with a foreign nation over one of the American 50 states (Mexico vs. Arizona).

    colleen, I think you will do well writing a book on BO because you have enough material.

    just returned from Iran, one of the finest countries I have ever seen. The people are very friendly and helpful. There is no hatred towards USA. Good news is IRAN and USA are talking. Let peace and common sense prevail.

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