    That's the dumbest thing I ever heard!!!!

    Can you think of a time when somebody was just so dumb you couldn't stand it. Details, please.

    "I'm not drunk!  I've just had too much to drink" kind of idiocracy. 

    +8  Views: 1544 Answers: 10 Posted: 11 years ago

    you're up late. I know because I just saw you and i'm later than you......

    10 Answers


    Are you trying to get me suspended again P??


      ROMOS and I were videoing on skype when he informed me that half the people in his town had lost electricity due to a storm.   In all seriousness, I looked at him and then asked him, "do you have electricity"?    I realized what I had said after he gave me that "DUH" look.

    (How Embarrassing)





    You're from Texas. You're forgiven.;-)

    They're from Scotland so quite normal.
    country bumpkin

    Thanks, Digger, I think! LOL

    Well, he could have been hooked to a generator:)

    When someone says, "Can   you eat that?". I'm quite capable of eating anything I wish.........

    I'll meet you by the back gate, if you are going to be late leave me a note there, and I'll  wait for you.


    Come where yer at and I'll stay where yer too! ;D

    Yes lindilou, exactly.

    Inflammable excuses...

    Smoking in bed? No Sir, the bed was on fire when I got in.

    The frying pan was smoking so bad that I threw the pan into the fire place.

    When I plugged the welder in, it blew a fuse. I didn’t have a spar fuse so I put a penny in the fuse socket and that worked fine, for a while until I noticed the wall was on fire. So what do you think?

    I was trying to knock a wasp nest out of the fuse box with the metal bar and it got stuck (welded) in the box. Then the garage caught on fire and then the transformer on the power pole exploded blowing burning oil over in the woods.

    I put our cigarette butts in the trash can. 


    Hilarious! :)

    I wouldn't know where to start. I get them every day.

    "enough about me let's talk about you, what do you think about me"

    Cant wait until tomorrow.

    Man at McDonald's Drive-thru window; " I'd like 2 large Big Mac Combos please."

    Person taking the order; "Would you like that 'to go'?



    I completely believe you. Next question, "Would you like fries with those combos? How about something to drink?"

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