    i have girlfreind she leave me what can i do

    be good with her

    +1  Views: 734 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago

    6 Answers

    You weren't good enough obviously, now you see her,now you don't.


    That's a little harsh!

    Well, he has to be man about about it doen't he.

    Certainly, he needs to be a man about it, but maybe he was TOO good. Sounds weird, but it certainly happens. Nice guys often get dumped for Mr. Jacka**

    You tell her, " You my girlfreind. You no leave cuz I say so."

    Go through the stages of grief.   Try to figure out what went wrong; ask her, if you can, and listen carefully.  
    Keep an open mind and an open heart; true love will find you eventually!  
    Be particular; don't settle for someone who isn't as compatible as you want her to be. 


    Thanks....MOM!! LOL ;D

    It depends upon why she left you...but digger's advice sounds really, really good too although if she has more than a grade 5 education which is very likely,then she likely will flip you the bird so...well....maybe you should just get on with your life as best you can for now and stop obsessing about her because that will only serve to drive her further away....wish for a loving relationship in which there are no worries about such things as this, like will she stay or will she go? You want a stable relationship right? Also, if you would seek the best partner...then act, be the best partner!


    Don't call her, don't write or text or email her........and she'll prob come back to you. If she's with another guy, that'll prob fizzle out pretty soon, and she'll come back to you..

    Move on with your life, go with another. Learn your mistakes from your last relationship and be happy

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