Thank you fishlet for this wonderful dedication to Roy and I.
25 Answers
Love match on akaQA! Ding...ding...ding...ding...ding...
Country Bumpkin and ROMOS....together at last! <3<3
What a great match. May you have happiness forever!
11 years ago. Rating: 21 | |

Well, a Mr. and Mrs. akaQA, how nice is that? It sounds like you two are a great match, from what I can gather, both the finest! Wishing you both all the happiness that any couple could have, and more! Regards and best wishes...
11 years ago. Rating: 20 | |

Unfortunately he can't comment for a few more days due to circumstances beyond his control.
Well I'll drink to that, Congratulations to you both, here's hoping you will be very happy together forever.
11 years ago. Rating: 19 | |

Happy days are here again!
Finding mutual love and respect in each others arms is such a worthwhile endeavor. Bless the two of you for all the joy you have fondly found together…and may your many days together bring you all the closer to our dreams of Heaven here on earth...there in Bonnie Scotland. OXOXOX <3<3<3
11 years ago. Rating: 19 | |
Wishing two very special friends a lifetime of happiness. Guess the cat is out of the bag!
11 years ago. Rating: 18 | |

Thanks, Bob
I'm happy for ya. Do you both live in Scotland ?.........or at least both in the U.K. ?
11 years ago. Rating: 18 | |
I thought CB was firmly entrenched in the Texas Panhandle.Not only that I thought there was a "Husband" in there somewhere????C,mon,I know I'm a bit slow.But someone explain all this to me.

It happened on Skype, but it started on aka almost 2 years ago.
I don't know whether Fish is pulling my leg or not ., if she isn't , i wish you both all the very best, and Congratulations for now and the future.
11 years ago. Rating: 17 | |

Thank You.
i caught a quick glimpse of this happy happy happy happy news. I had to leave in a hurry to save my oatmeal cookies and then I came back and found my dh using my laptop. Anyhooo ... I’ve been looking all over for this announcement! (for days. Yippee. Yippee. I’ve found it. It’s the doing of darlin’ Fishlette. (Should have known it all along) : )
You two do seem to be a perfect match. I wish you two all the best as your relationship picks up even more speed. I even wish fishlette the best for being the bearer of good news.
Country & Romos --- sittin’ in a tree --- k-i-s-s-i-n-g. First comes LOVE, then comes MARRIAGE, and then comes the happy couple with a BABY CARRIAGE. <3 <3 <3
<3 itsmee XO
11 years ago. Rating: 17 | |
Edinburgh awaits news of a possible panda birth. Perhaps our couple will also oblige.
11 years ago. Rating: 17 | |
Well....look who's late to the ball....dangit all anyways..who knew? Obviously not me...but hey...my excuses are valid...I'm a cavewoman living on a rock out in the sea....
In any case I've always felt a little envious ( small amount) of those who seem to have found connections over long distances...I'll tell ya my marriage prolly woulda lasted if my ex lived in Scotland!! Ha! I'm kidding...he would have been tossed to the fishes hadda he gone there...lest I digress any further....
Just a little something from the kids and I as a wedding shower gift although....I wouldn't take this into the shower with you! xox LL peace & love
11 years ago. Rating: 16 | |

Cute pics, Lindilou. Falling in love from across the pond has been a truly amazing experience for us both.
Thank you.
peace & love y'guys....xoxox 8D
you cannot keep a good scot down CB....best of a long life to you both
11 years ago. Rating: 16 | |
I know who'll be "wearing the pants in the family!"
11 years ago. Rating: 15 | |

Well GEE WHIZ! Let's do the HOKEY POKEY! I guess I am better late than ??
11 years ago. Rating: 14 | |

Perfect timing, Clu.
Love....That's what it's all about! (*~*)
I hope all is well with you and yours.
Congratulations to you both! May you have many happy years of marital bliss. :)
11 years ago. Rating: 14 | |
Congrats country bumpkin and ROMOS, sorry Im late, but only just read the latest news.
11 years ago. Rating: 9 | |

This is such a cute animation Dollybird. Thank you so for answering our congrats thread and it's not to late.
You know I wish you well in your new journey. I know you will miss the dust storms in tarzan country. Glad you have another positive new beginning.
10 years ago. Rating: 4 | |

It's great waking up with a smile on face every morning knowing I'll be spending the day with my best friend.
Haha, I don't miss the Texas heat, but I wouldn't mind a little more sun.