    Are you superstitious?

    Black cats running across your path, the number 13, stepping on a crack, walking under a ladder, etc. etc. etc. 
    Anything?  Anyone?  

    This may not be a superstition, but I tend to feel that when I bowl for my team instead of my score, I do better.   

    +7  Views: 1643 Answers: 14 Posted: 11 years ago

    14 Answers

    Well, I don't walk under ladders. That's only because something or someone could fall on top of me!        :)

    Never cut my nails on a Sunday, it was a thing with my Mother, I always live up to her ideals.

    I don't open umbrellas in the house >  It really can be hazardous.

    I don't walk under ladders > It really can be hazardous.

    And, I don't stare in the mirror or pull a face in the wind because my Mother actually could have been correct!  I don't want to see the devil and I don't want my face to "stay that way".


    Other than that, I am really busy these days and so superstitions and my cell phone number are on the back burner.  I can't remember either.


    My face was going to "stay that way" too. lol

    I Dont like broken porcelean,its a bad omen,

    Oh so very bad Dennis.... like a hole in the head bad.

    I have never been Superstitious, MsBob, and hopefully never will be, personally i think it is only nonsense, but that is only my opinion.:)


    ....and that is exactly what I was asking for! Thank you, Kent, and have a great weekend!

    Some cultures and sub cultures are very superstitious; and really cued in to the paranormal


    Let me finish throwing this salt over my shoulder and then I'll let you know.

    (I'm not superstitious!)


    LOL. I actually do that! :D LEFT shoulder only?
    country bumpkin

    Oh Crap... Wrong shoulder,now I have to start over.

    Don't forget to sweep!

    She won't, I got it right in the left eye I wonder if that has a meaning?,

    I was eavesdropping. Yes, it has a meaning.

    ROMOS! Don't you know it's bad luck to stand behind someone who is throwing salt over her shoulder!!!!

    ...while sweeping. lol

    superstition |?so?op?r?stiSH?n|
    excessively credulous belief in and reverence for supernatural beings: he dismissed the ghost stories as mere superstition.
    • a widely held but unjustified belief in supernatural causation leading to certain consequences of an action or event, or a practice based on such a belief: she touched her locket for luck, a superstition she had had since childhood.
    ORIGIN Middle English: from Old French, or from Latin superstitio(n-), from super- ‘over’ + stare ‘to stand’ (perhaps from the notion of “standing over” something in awe).

    belief |bi?l?f|
    1 an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists: his belief in the value of hard work | a belief that solitude nourishes creativity.
    • something one accepts as true or real; a firmly held opinion or conviction: contrary to popular belief, Aramaic is a living language | we're prepared to fight for our beliefs.
    • a religious conviction: Christian beliefs | I'm afraid to say belief has gone | local beliefs and customs.
    2 (belief in) trust, faith, or confidence in someone or something: a belief in democratic politics | I've still got belief in myself.
    be of the belief that hold the opinion that; think: I am firmly of the belief that we need to improve our product.
    beyond belief astonishingly good or bad; incredible: riches beyond belief | the driving we have witnessed was beyond belief.
    in the belief that thinking or believing that: he took the property in the belief that he had consent.
    to the best of my belief in my genuine opinion; as far as I know: to the best of my belief, Francis never made a will.
    ORIGIN Middle English: alteration of Old English gel?afa; compare with believe.

    I think of superstitions as a substitution for facts mingled with mystery (unknowns) in order to assign cause( luck, God, Devil, etc) to happenstance. 


    "Stupistition"  I think of it that way, I never believed in them...

    Superstition + idolatry = religion.


    I don't agree, either, Don.

    So which religion does not fit my formula?

    Well, it seems pretty accurate to me.

    My faith has no idols and is not based on excessively credulous belief.
    I hope we can simply agree to disagree.

    Agreed, we disagree.

    All religions are full of idols, all of them. An idol is nothing more than a representative symbol of the deity being worshiped. The Christian religions is has the cross, the different likenesses of Jesus, and various icons in the Catholic religion. And, in my opinion, to believe in a deity for which there is no proof what so ever is indeed credulous because it requires faith and that is an arbitrary concept with no basis in logic or reason and those concepts are the basis of civilization even if they are frequently violated. But, then as you say we can agree to disagree.

    I'm not superstitious.  The kids that I used to sub teach ......on every  Fri the 13, they would ask me if I was afraid something bad would happen . I said no, b/c bad things can happen to us on any day; and good things can happen to us on any day. I asked them if they agreed with that, and they said yes.So, they calmed down about that.

    Only superstition I have is never kill a spider.  Bad luck.  If i see one in my home, I will pick it up and take it outside and let it go.  (granted, not the biters by hand-- I will pick them up too but with a wet paper towel.  I have never been bitten.  


    Maybe this explains why I never win at the casino or lottery.

    Yeah, that sums it up. Learn to live with out eight legged buddies, they bring you luck. Er... I'm still waiting for my luck-- It's coming!! :)

    The black widows are the only ones I really can't stand....those are probably the good luck spiders! And, believe it or not, my favorite bowling ball is a "black widow" and has one etched on it. Talk about irony...

    Never picked up a B-widow but years ago i was with a friend in his garage, I saw a pider, got a shop towel and took it outside. he said it was a Brown Recluse-- said he knew it when I picked it up but didn't say anything until I let it go, he was afraid I would get spooked and drop it and it would bite him. LOL! He immediately stepped on it.

    Better him than you! Stepping on it...nobody needs to get bitten.
    My son's yard is filled with BWs. With his 3 little ones scurrying around outside amongst the spiders, it is not paradise playground. Plans are underway for eradication (of the spiders, not the kids).

    Oh I agree! It's unfortunate that nature didn't supply venomous insects, spiders and other animals with compassion and understanding, and logical reasoning. They instinctively use their weapons against anything that in their reflex defense threatens them. Unfortunately, do to the lack of reasoning, they are our enemies and we destroy them also in defense.

    A lot of my irrational fears were developed as a child, under my parents' tutelage, mostly my dad. Dear man that he was, he had some paranoid thoughts about trampolines, pork chops, horses. Fear has no limits!

    I had no idea about the spider superstition. I don't kill them because they are useful.

    Trampolines, pork chops and horses. I thought my Mom's 'mushroom' phobia was all I had to worry about. I may never go outside again.

    Probably should lock the doors and pull the drapes, too...

    Good call.

    Not in the slightest. Surprisingly, lots of pro athletes are ridiculously so. I believe that it is a misplaced reaction to personal insecurities.


    Easier than accepting responsibility. I'm guilty of that, darnit.

    I try not to be, but I think I am.  I will not walk under a ladder. If a black cat runs pass me I say a prayer for me and the cat.  I do like the number 13 and tend to have good luck on Friday the 13th. I try to do something that needs luck on each Friday the 13th.


    What kind of things need luck?

    I used to be a bit, but not nowadays, I just think what will be will be. I have had some good things happen on Fri 13th , and there is a black cat and white cat that walks past me every day , so which ever way round it is wouldn't make much difference. i don't walk under ladders incase someone drops something from up there.

    I'm not superstitious
    I'm a super cat lol

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