    Funny how time slips away...

    I can't tell you how long it's been since I've had a smile on my face,years I'd say.When I get good and down,I put some Al Green on and it makes me feel a little better about things.If you want to hear one of my songs I'll play over and over until I feel a little better,go to y tube and pick Al Green and Lyle Lovett version of "Funny how time slips away and tell me what you think.

    +7  Views: 1901 Answers: 10 Posted: 11 years ago

    10 Answers

    I completely agree with you.... I am middle aged for goodness sakes with sooooo much more to do.


    Here is the trick.  One positive word every day for a week.

    Then two positive words every day for a week... three... a sentence and then eventually a paragraph.


    Every single day.


    Things start looking up just because this is your new language.


    I only say this because quite often when I read your words, my heart cries.


    The day you burst out laughing again will be a very great day.  I know this for fact ... not fiction baby... I was there, in your space, for a very long time.


    xo The Fish

    PS... for some explicable reason... Pearl Jam... the "all" of the collection (which is extremely large and difficult to collect) was my 'getting better' music.


    Rick, I used to listen to my Al Green albums all the time in the 70s; and a little bit in the 80s. Still love his music.
    And Rick, watch funny TV shows, and funny movies, b/c laughter produces feel-good hormones in your system .

    mcm... everybody has their own thing. Positive energy, connection and The " " Factor... takes us to a very good place.

    Not saying too much else... the Mocking Zee will come to haunt me!

    xo F

    It seems like only yesterday we were calling today tomorrow.  

    I'm not sure if I'm going to express this the way I feel inside, but I feel time slipping away, too, and wonder if life will ever be more fun, more relaxing, more rewarding,  and if there will be someone to enjoy spending time with.   I can't feel sorry for myself, because  I really am "in charge" of what I make of my life.   If I'm not smiling,  it's on me.  Am I too afraid to make a change, or just too lazy.  Probably both.  

    I did watch and listen to one of the Lyle and Al was from 1994, in black and white.  It was good, but it made me think more than I want to. The energy levels couldn't be more different! Al is so animated and fun, while Lyle is almost shy, more watching than participating.  

    I would be Lyle. 



    I myself have always been a softhearted guy,but as time goes buy and you keep on getting knocked on your rear,you find yourself becoming hard and I don't want to be that person.Many moons ago I had to be that way just to get out alive and I did not like that person.

    In my case, it was be a little hard or a little numb. Neither works. I have to look inside and pull strength from myself...not an easy task when most of the time I am ready to give up. And that is depressing!
    You've shared some of your past here, and I know you have made some huge changes in your life, but you find yourself stuck in an unhappy situation. You always come across as a kind and gentle soul, and I sincerely look forward to the day when we get a "question" from you that is filled with joyful news...I really feel YOU deserve to be happy.

    You both deserve good things from life, unfortunately "good" doesn't always knock on our doors, the best way I have got through the hard times was always to be positive and believe that "good" would eventually knock one day,I'm still here, I'm extremely lucky and happy now,poor but happy I must say,but still around to enjoy.

    Thanks, Roy. Positive thnking, positive reinforcement. I do try, just not as hard as yesterday..

    Interesting reading here if you want to find solutions. All suggestions don't work but some do.


    TY and the 'owing' thing :).

    Flipping measly! Dang!

    Cheer up mate.Better times ahead.You never know what's waiting around the corner.


    And as long as we are willing to go to the corner to see what's around it, there's hope!!

    Haha!That's right Bob.Nothing ventured,nothing gained,

    Rick, the world turns. This comes from a French saying that I cannot spell...But you never know whats around the corner. The world will stop by good, then bad, than good good bad. It all evens out in the end.  You are due some good things. Don't forget t o smile........


    After every night comes out a day. That day is comin g!i know a true story that happened under my eyes. A very very poor family with 5 kids barely managed to get food on the table. The world around included rich brothers who could not be bothered to pick this family up. The clock keeps ticking. One of the sons from this family is among the richest in the U.K. Like his dad is humble and has not forgotten the past. Keeps helping less fortunate. His day came. And the rich brothers are no longer rich!Their night has come.

    "As the World Turns "

    One thing is for sure Rick, you have alot of friends on here , most of us have had ups and downs, but we are still here, and making each other smile and laugh now and again, I hope. Keep trying to be positive Rick  and remember try to look to the future, and better times.

    Rick,  accentuate the positive, and eliminate the negative.

    Happiness is a choice for myself every day. I choose happiness every day when I get up. I smile to everyone I encounter or pass by. This comes back to me in so many lovely ways. I refuse thoughts that are not happy and offer all of my thoughts to god in prayer. "All I choose is happiness for me now.” is embracing all the joy and happiness that can be mine every day. By controlling my own thinking in this way I am happy and healthy. 


    robertgist, choosing happiness for yourself is good, BUT choosing happiness for others is even BETTER. You will still keep happy thoughts and lose nothing.


    sawali You can only share what you have, not what you would like to have.The choice for happiness is shared in your presence among others.

    Yes, yes and more yes!! What we think is what we manifest....(BIG SMILE)

    That's one clock you cannot control - it keeps on ticking leaving  you lesser and lesser time to do what you want to.  So be very selective in choosing.

     i’m listening now ....................

    Can’t see to type or read. I’ll just listen and then listen again. 

    Later, good man.  x S


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