    What is the correct combination of cinnamon and chromium picolinate to reverse Type 2 diabetes?

    +1  Views: 1130 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    Type 2 diabetes is a lifelong (chronic) disease in which there are high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes.

    Cinnamon and Chromium Picolinate aren't going to reverse your Type 2 Diabetes, Frank.  You can do your best to control it with diet and exercise, and healthy life choices, but you are not going to make it go away with cinnamon and C.P.  Even a healthy WEIGHT is no guarantee. Here's an excerpt from WebMD Sonya Collins about Type 2 diabetes:

    "The saying goes that genes load the gun and lifestyle pulls the trigger," says Ann Albright, PhD, RD, director of the CDC's division of diabetes translation.

    Because of that connection between genes and lifestyle, diet and exercise alone aren't a guaranteed "cure" for everyone with type 2 diabetes.

    What you mean by "reversing" type 2 diabetes also matters. If it means you no longer need medication to control your blood sugar, that's possible with hard work and dedication.

    However, if you mean undoing any and all damage that diabetes did to your body, that may be less likely.

    Of course, there's no downside to trying, and a lot of potential benefit. Just keep your goals realistic because you need to make those changes last. 

    No magic potions, Frank; sorry. 

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