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9 Answers
Of course they are. You clearly understand nothing about Martians or Aliens slim-jimmy-plus the po po part.
Aliens are Master Thinkers. They have the power of E.S.P. , therefore possess the power to 'out think' a mere mortal being of this planet any day, any time, any year or even millennium for that matter.
Save your money. Don't buy a gun and plant a tree. It is good for the environment.
11 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
No. That's why you've never seen one.
11 years ago. Rating: 4 | |


yes they are because they are green and therefore use chlorophyl which makes them depend on sunlight for food
if you deprive them of the sunlight no photosynthesis occurs and they die of starvation

what is this link
Click on it and find out. Snap into a Slim Jim, popo.
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