15 Answers
Mimo the Ant... or maybe that other guy...
... Mimo is the one on the right.
11 years ago. Rating: 9 | |
Ants in his pants....
Ants in his pants....
Dennis the great one has ...
Ants in his pants!
(That's a song... hum along with me.).
Ants in his pants....
Dennis the great one has ...
Ants in his pants!
(That's a song... hum along with me.).
jesus.. the bridge to god...
11 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Bridge? I've never heard Jesus described as a bridge to god. We have God the Father,God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. If Jesus is the bridge to God, is there another bridge that links the Holy Spirit to God?
digger digger digger,,i never know when you are being serious..we are the only ones who need a bridge to god, and jesus is that bridge.. but thanks for listening mate.if we dont ask ,we dont learn,,,,,,,
Bill Gates. He's spent the first half of his life making billions and is now spending his second half with his other half, Melinda, giving it all away.
11 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Jesus. He raised people from the dead.
11 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
He did? We all know about the scientific evidence proving that He rose (raised Himself) from the dead but I've never seen or heard of any similarly irrefutable evidence that He "raised (other) people from the dead." Can you give any names or biblical versus that describe these miraculous gestures?
IMHO should be a person that helps underprivilledged in education, healthcare, eradicating poverty, promoting understanding amongst people and pluralism.
11 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
digger, I just gave you a t/u on Bill Gates. And now you are blowing hot and cold thru the same mouth?
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