    Mother-Son bonding.............

    This morning my 23 year old son asked me if I would like to take a motorcycle class with him next month.  The course is 5 hours classtime, and 10 hours practical.  We don't need a bike or helmet; it's all provided for us.  We can then take the written DMV test to be licensed to drive a motorcycle and don't have to take the driving part.   We signed up online, putting the registration fees on my credit card, and he immediately gave me the cash to cover his course. 
    His dad invited him skydiving when he (Dad) turned 60, but this is the first thing my son and I are doing  for "fun" together.  I'm completely jazzed.
    What kind of "bonding" activities do you do with your "kids".  

    +4  Views: 1098 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    I want to do that

    3 Answers

    Bonding? I think I'm gonna cry, you understand.  James did like the dinner i cooked tonight.......


    Never lose faith, Julie...the day is coming.
    What did you end up cooking? My scalloped potatoes needed a little more milk, but my BBQ London broil was perfect.

    Made a chicken cassarole with chicken breast, swiss cheese, chicken soup and dressing mix. Very good.

    My son and I do DIY projects together, on his or my home, and we go out on his boat when we get chance.  Years ago, my wife and daughter were going to surprise me with an art class at RISD for a Christmas gift.  Without our daughters' knowledge, my wife went back and got our daughter enrollment in same class.  Well Christmas morning was fun, when she ever opened hers after harassing me to guess what mine was, later to discover hers, it was fun.  The class was drawing, and we had nude models, mostly women, our daughter was a sport but half the classes, embarrassed.  At this time, she was in mid twenties, out of the house on her own.  We laughed a lot over our artistic adventures!  It was fun bonding, with her, as it is usually she and my wife. 


    I love how you have made the transition from parent to parent and friend. Wishing you many, many more years of bonding joys.

    and the same to you Bob, hope all is well with your family..

    Well me and my parents did more with me than my older siblings. I am a cook and thanks to them, I owe my life and future for them. Thanks to them, they taught how to grab a knife and cut all types of food lol
    I visit once in a while, making food for my parents. They make food for me, now it's my turn ^^


    That is very cool, Alde Wicht. What are your special dishes? Might you be on one of the cooking shows I love to watch???

    I'm still studying haha
    I'm in my 3rd year, half of the year i was a waiter and the highest tip I got from was from One Direction and i got around 7000 dollars!...Suckers and young kids these days, throwing their money at such a wasteful bum like me. Not really, I have enough money to buy a house and raise a family hahah like my parents. But don't you agree that, giving more than 500 $ is way too much for tip. I couldn't accpet it, so I gave 1000 for myself and the rest to the restaurant and fund raising :)
    It's a sin to accept such high price <3

    $7000 U.S.? At 20%, the bill would have been $35,000; that's a lot of wine, appetizers, lobster, and dessert. :D Along with some mighty fine wait-service, I'm sure!
    I'm not often speechless, but this is one of those's ridiculous, but just say "thank you"; glad you felt inclined to share. It says good things about your character. (and I can tell already, you are a character)

    Thank you Bob, even the employess didn't get that much tips. I'm not really a fan of their song, but as a waiter/cook. I have to do whatever the guest wants, service or not. It's their smile and money that counts ^^

    ..andyou want the referrals and return business

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