This has to do with a bank of Hydro Meters located on my property and the residents surrounding us want to put in Smart Meters that are facing my bedroom.
3 Answers
I would ask for a permanently reduced rate on the water meter installation so that your property value would not go down with their installation. Letting them get by with installing a bank of meters on your property would be submitting to extortion. A judge should answer the challenge, not a water board. You don’t know how this will affect your property value and I am fairly sure it will not go up with the installation unless they also install a fire hydrant and reduce your rate for your land use. Water meters here are noisy, tick-tick-tick with every gallon of water that goes by. The meters here are in the ground 4 feet and you would think that ticking noise would be muffled out….no, you’ll still hear it unless there is a lot of noise all the time in your neighborhood.
11 years ago. Rating: 1 | |