    can an individual force you to allow them to install hazardess equipment on your property for their use?

    This has to do with a bank of Hydro Meters located on my property and the residents surrounding us want to put in Smart Meters that are facing my bedroom.

    0  Views: 3042 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    3 Answers

    If you are in the USA, check with your town zoning dept. They have to approve the placement of the meters. If you are forced somehow to have them placed on your property, charge rent for each one. 

    I would ask for a permanently reduced rate on the water meter installation so that your property value would not go down with their installation. Letting them get by with installing a bank of meters on your property would be submitting to extortion. A judge should answer the challenge, not a water board. You don’t know how this will affect your property value and I am fairly sure it will not go up with the installation unless they also install a fire hydrant and reduce your rate for your land use. Water meters here are noisy, tick-tick-tick with every gallon of water that goes by. The meters here are in the ground 4 feet and you would think that ticking noise would be muffled out….no, you’ll still hear it unless there is a lot of noise all the time in your neighborhood. 

    These are great answers but I want to make it clear that I am dealing with BC Hydro and the installtion of smart meters.


    It's YOUR property. Have an attorney prepare a very serious letter prohibiting such installation for whatever reason can be mustered.

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