    Cuando vivo solo sueño un horizonte falto de palabras. En la sombra y entre luces todo es negro para mi mirada Si tu no estás junto a mí . . .aquí. Tú en tu mundo separado del mio por un abismo. Oye llamame yo volaré a tu mundo lejano. Por ti volaré espera que llegaré mi fin de trayecto eres tú para vivirlo los dos. Por ti volaré por cielos y mares hasta tu amor. Abriendo los ojos por fin contigo viviré. Cuando estás lejana sueño un horizonte falto de palabras. Y yo sé que simpre estás ahí,

    Cuando vivo solo
    sueño un horizonte
    falto de palabras.
    En la sombra y entre luces
    todo es negro para mi mirada
    Si tu no estás junto a mí . . .aquí.

    en tu mundo
    separado del mio por un abismo.
    yo volaré
    a tu mundo lejano.

    Por ti volaré
    espera que llegaré
    mi fin de trayecto eres tú
    para vivirlo los dos.

    Por ti volaré
    por cielos y mares
    hasta tu amor.
    Abriendo los ojos por fin
    contigo viviré.

    Cuando estás lejana
    sueño un horizonte
    falto de palabras.
    Y yo sé que simpre estás ahí, ahí,
    una luna hecha para mí,
    siempre iluminada para mí,
    por mí, por mí, por mí . . .

    Por ti volaré
    espera que llegaré
    mi fin de trayecto eres tú
    contigo yo viviré.

    Por ti volaré
    por cielos y mares
    hasta tu amor.
    Abriendo los ojos por fin
    contigo yo viviré.

    Por ti volaré
    por cielos y mares
    hasta tu amor.
    Abriendo los ojos por fin
    contigo yo viviré.
    Por ti volaré . . .

    0  Views: 1029 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

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    3 Answers

    At least a partial translation:

    When i live only a dream horizon lacking in words. In the shadow between lights and everything is black for my eyes if you are not next to my . . .Here. In your world separated from mine by an abyss. Hey call me i volare to your distant world. By ti volare hopes that i'll be my end of journey are you to live the two. As it volare by skies and seas up to your love. Opening the eyes by order with you live. When these distant dream a horizon lacking in words.


    Wow I think. :)

    Wuthering Heights (1939)

    Heathcliff: Catherine Earnshaw, may you not rest so long as I live on! I killed you. Haunt me, then! Haunt your murderer! I know that ghosts have wandered on the Earth.

    Be with me always. Take any form, drive me mad, only do not leave me in this dark alone where I cannot find you.

    I cannot live without my life!

    I cannot die without my soul! 


    Cathy: Are you enjoying yourself, Heathcliff? 

    Heathcliff: I've had the pleasure of watching you. 

    Cathy: You're very grand, Heathcliff. So handsome. Looking at you tonight I could not help but remember how things used to be. 

    Heathcliff: They used to be better. 

    Cathy: Don't pretend life hasn't improved for you. 

    Heathcliff: Life has ended for me. 

    [they pause and look off the balcony in silence] 

    Heathcliff: How can you stand here beside me and pretend not to remember? Not to know that my heart is breaking for you? That your face is the wonderful light burning in all this darkness? 

    Cathy: Heathcliff, no. I forbid it. 

    Heathcliff: Do you forbid what your heart is saying to you now? 

    Cathy: It's saying nothing. 

    Heathcliff: I can hear it louder than the music. Oh, Cathy. Cathy. 

    Cathy: I'm not the Cathy that was. Can you understand that? I'm somebody else. I'm another man's wife, and he loves me. And I love him. 

    Heathcliff: If he loved you with all the power of his soul for a whole lifetime he couldn't love you as much as I do in a single day. Not he. Not the world. Not even you, Cathy, can come between us. 

    Cathy: Heathcliff, you must go away. You must leave this house and never come back to it. I never want to see your face again or listen to your voice again as long as I live. 

    Heathcliff: You lie! Why do you think I'm here tonight? Because you willed it. You willed me here across the sea. 

    Cathy: Heathcliff, make the world stop right here. Make everything stop and stand still and never move again. Make the moors never change and you and I never change. 

    Heathcliff: The moors and I will never change. Don't you, Cathy. 

    Cathy: I can't. I can't. No matter what I ever do or say, Heathcliff, this is me now; standing on this hill with you.

    This is me. Forever.

    Na sombra e entre luzes
    Tudo é preto para o meu olhar
    Se tu nao estás junto a mim... aqui.

    No teu mundo
    Separado do meu por um abismo.
    Eu voarei
    A teu mundo distante.

    Por ti voarei
    Espera que chegarei
    O meu fim de trajecto és tu
    Para vivermos os dois.

    Finalmente....em Paz.

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