    how to manage with kids?

    you also joining the space of child

    0  Views: 665 Answers: 7 Posted: 11 years ago

    7 Answers

    I have found that managing sleep is monumentally important.  Not the child's but the parent's.... and don't take the subject of 'actually getting eight solid hours' seriously.  In fact, if the parent could manage in life without any sleep at all, that is the best way to go about things. (Completely impossible, but still a dream of mine).


    Secondly, find yourself an expert in the subject.  There are people who make a living at this and they are worth every single penny.  It is not about the child... it is about the parent.


    Thirdly, find things your child loves to do and encourage this activity.  My son (4 yrs. old) loves golf.  We now spend hours playing golf.  I am going to turn my backyard into a tiny golf course.  The initial investment was a $7.00 golf club set found in the Dollar Section in everyone's favorite store, Walmart. 


    Fourthly, make lists and stick to them.  Organization is key.


    Last but not least, appreciate your little joy and wonder all day long, every day of the week.  Children are FANTASTIQUE! 

    The choice to have kids is yours. Managing comes with the territory. Do your best and love them whatever. Provide safe  council. Recognize your worth and theirs............

    Follow these rules >>>

    ""No problem!  Just give me 8 more, but you taxpayers foot the bill!

    Contraception avoids you having to worry about this problem.


    Unless they've already been born (lol)!

    Manage what with kids? 

    I managed with kids by realizing that their intolerable behaviors were an age and stage. I waited for them to grow a little more and then the behavior would change into something else intolerable. I laugh a lot with kids. I don’t take things too seriously. I like the way they think and maybe that’s why I was able to manage my preschool for 20 years.

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