    Other than the INS website, which website can I go to in order to view or obtain my own green card number/information for free or paid?

    my son is currently serving in the armed forces and they told him that they would kick him out if he doesn't obtain my INS or US Citizenship number for clearance.

    wouldn't one think they should've told or mentioned this to him prior to being sworn in for service?  Duh!

    0  Views: 700 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

    1 Answer

    Find your Certificate of Naturalization, which was issued to you by USCIS when you completed your oath of citizenship.

    Locate your U.S. citizenship number, which appears directly above the word "Naturalization" in the top right-hand corner of your Certificate of Naturalization. Your U.S. citizenship number is the 8-digit number printed in red ink.

    Write down your U.S. citizenship number in a safe place. You may provide this number on any document where proof of citizenship status is required.

    Also, knowing this number can be very beneficial if you ever lose your original Certificate of Naturalization and need a replacement, because it will better assist USCIS in locating your naturalization record.

    Read more:


    I won't be able to find my Certificate of Naturalization because my father carried me upon the time he became a US Citizen back in 1975. My mother became a US Citizen back in 1977 as well. Unfortunately, my mother and father are no longer with us. My siblings, although alive and well, do not have this information. I am the youngest of 4 children and as far as the Ancestry and Geneology website, the only information they have on me is an old address and nothing more except they have everyone else in my family. Could it be that the FTC's office suggested to change my identity when I reported identity theft?

    I gave you more information in your other question. We are a pretty basic general question and answer forum. I do not know a lot about immigration. Seems to me if you have a son in the military, you should have searched out all this information long ago. You are going to have to contact your nearest immigration agency and see what they can find about your family.

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