    i recently saw a naked pix on my boyfriends fone and i found out that the girl s my boyfriends ex.what should i do ?

    +3  Views: 1532 Answers: 9 Posted: 11 years ago

    We don't talk about naked piks on phones here on akaQA. I'm surprized this one got thru.

    mcm: We are not commenting about a naked picture. We are being asked what this member should do when she finds that her boyfriend still has pictures of his ex-girlfriend on his phone. Clothed or not, this is a concern. The question is not breaking any rules, as far as I can see.


    No problem!

    9 Answers

     Well, it sounds like you have a real problem with this boyfriend of yours.  It's very easy for all of us to sit here and give you advice. I don't know how many of us would follow the advice we are giving now if we were your age. 

    I don't know what you have invested in this "relationship", but YOU can't be trusted to simply use someone's phone without snooping through it.  HE can't be trusted to take his past off his phone and move forward. 

    If you don't break up with him, or he doesn't break up with you following this incident, I'll still be surprised if you two last another 4 weeks.

    BE HONEST:  Tell him you looked through the photos while you were using his phone, and found a naked picture of his ex-girlfriend. You understand it was wrong  to snoop through his personal stuff, and you can't blame him if he is upset or angry.  
    Understand, too, that if photos of his ex-girlfriend remain on his phone, you are out of the relationship and on to greener pastures.  

    NO ONE should stay in a relationship where a naked photo of the former lover can be exposed in minutes.  If she's in the past, put her there. Erase all photos. Period. End of conversation and/or end of relationship.  


    Don't you find it amazing that taking off your clothes and allowing pictures to be taken, is just part of "dating" now? Are they drunk or drugging all the time or what?

    Modesty has gone the way of virginity. It's really too bad. Really, really too bad. Don't even want to say more....

    I hear you. :(

    Say goodbye!

    Confront him about it. Ask him to delete the photo or you will delete him from your life.


    Now, that's talkin' !

    I think we might have to look into this,



    The real point is - Why were you flicking through his mobile (cell) phone?


    he gave me his to use because mine wasnt workn



    Karma: 218180
    Registered member
    That still does not explain wht you were checking the phone to make a call, Cara. **** I have a problem guys, i tried twice to comment and i got Answer this question!


    cara16: he gave me his to use because mine wasnt workn


    Make sure you are looking for "comment this answer" under your answer Bulletman. You won't find one under Cara's reply.

    It's his way of being reminded just how better looking YOU are than his ex despite your nosey disposition.


    That's some fast thinking, digger. Wonder if she will believe you...

    Silent and observe ,and ask personally face to face,after that to explain carefully.

    As a mature person ask him why he still has the picture?

    His answer, expressions and body language will tell the story and lead you to making a decision - to keep him or not.

    I think you are hoping in  your heart of hearts, that some kind person on this sight will give you, within their answer, that which will give you a little bit of hope, not to ditch him, and that there is a perfectly logical reason for him to keep this photo, I think he may say "Oh that old photo I forgot that it was even there". That if he is willing to go that extra mile and put up a fight for you. If you play your cards right ( use your born with woman's usual uncanny intuition) you could use this situation to prove once and for all Who he wants. he has inadvertently given you the perfect tool to find out, not knowing all the facts about the situation it is hard to tell but I thought that I could pass on an idea to you that may help assuming that you do love him,  


    Interesting way to approach the problem. There are many possibilities when you think of all the different ways to tackle the issue. I would like to know how this turns out...
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