    Who should be paid more?


    and WHY? 

    +6  Views: 1083 Answers: 7 Posted: 11 years ago

    7 Answers

    Pay the same. All are life savers in a rough world........

    All of the above.Here is an interesting little snippet for you.Our paramedics & firemen just had to fight tooth & nail to get a 2% raise.The state politicians Just gave themselves a 42% raise.Who is worth more? Believe it or not our state premier now earns just on $2000 per year less than the president of the USA.Unbelievable!!


    OK, there it is, 2% for TRUE public servants and 42% for self-satisfying politicians.
    I really do need to write to my congresswoman, representatives, local bigwigs. That is absolutely disgusting.

    Same here in the UK Tom,1.5% for public servants,48% for politicians....^&*()"* sick.

    I believe firemen, policemen and paramedics should get paid more for the work they do since they're put in harms way on such a regular basis, it doesnt really seem fair. Nurses are very much underpaid too. What annoys me is how much money the celebrities make and their lavish lifestyles. 


    The only logical reason for the ridiculous amount celebrities get is because we value "entertainment" so much and are willing to pay upwards of $20 to sit in a dark room with 100 strangers for 90 minutes.
    Thankfully, I qualify for the senior discount now.

    Police, sheriff and firemen. All save lives; nothing more noble than that. Not to take anything away from paramedics; they save lives too, but the element of putting their own lives in danger, rarely, if ever, exists.

    Sheriff, is an elected position with more experience.

    Police should be paid the most because by enforcing the law they maintain an orderly civil system  which is necessary for the successful operation of the other two. The others should then be paid the same because they essentially either work together or have similar functions. Where I live and I think in most areas of the country fire and rescue operate out of the same department. What ever the case both are necessary for public safety, but couldn't operate without the police providing law and order.

    bamba zonkie

    bigben Tick Tock your not wrong

    Should be best answer in my opinion.

    I think they all deserve a great.  Police for sure.  If we did not have them corruption would take over, like in some countries we see.  That's why so many want to come to America, the police, the    protection, the wonder of it all.

    Paramedics probably don't get enough & they save lives,  people don't know. Firemen OMG very valuable people.   Airplane pilots, we can't pay them enough to get us safely from here to there.  Air traffic controllers is said to be the most most stressful job a human can have.  Maybe that would be a job for alien- UFOs. They probably have good qualifications.



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