7 Answers
Hurry up and MAKE a child before they force you to pay it all back.
11 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
This is unbelievable. What country are you located?? USA? This is unlikely, however, computers do make mistakes -- 'garbage in, garbage out' . As others have warned, you are breaking the law regardless of your location, if they find you first, then you are guilty of breaking the law, and will not only forced to pay back but also interest and even jail time. If you contact them first, then you may get lucky and only have to pay back what they sent you. Depends on how long you've been ripping them off. I would not want to be you right now.
11 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
Collecting child support for a child that is in another's custody is fraud. There are serious consequences for fraud. Purporting to have a child in order to collect child support is also fraud, for which, again, there are serious consequences.
Not only would that person face CRIMINAL charges, but likely CIVIL action taken against him/her as well.
Nope, not a good idea to pull a stunt like that.
11 years ago. Rating: 5 | |