    I was at the bank today

    Standing behind one guy, three clients at the three teller windows.  The transactions are going slowly, and in a few minutes, there are 4 people waiting behind me. That's when I notice one teller is rolling tubes of change his client has brought in. When he started the third roll (of which I was aware), I stepped over to one of those desk people to ask if that was "ok".  She told me to tell the supervising teller when I got to the window , which I did.

    She set the new teller on the right course, which was to provide a tray and rolls for the client. I was a bit embarrassed, though felt I'd done nothing wrong. I've a jar of mixed coins and wouldn't expect to dump it on the counter for the teller to roll for me.  Am I just rude to say something or was saying something quietly to the supervisor acceptable. I was a little surprised the desk person didn't take care of it, as it caused two tellers to stop their work.

    +4  Views: 867 Answers: 8 Posted: 11 years ago

    Bob, I went to the bank today and the CSR was polite, helpful and very personable. She was also very cute with a huge big smile. LOL!!! You and I would hire her in a minute. :)

    The coin roller helped me today, flawlessly. We don't give up hope, do we?

    There's always "maybe next time". :)

    I had to wonder if they didn't get to the coin rolling chapter. :D

    8 Answers

    I know this sounds soooooo old fashioned, but years ago, tellers used to consider counting coins and rolling it as part of their job. Others in line simply went to another teller. I worked in a place where we collected tons of coins and we rolled as much as time allowed. The remainder went in the daily deposit, in bags, and we waited and chatted with the teller, while she counted and rolled. No big deal...that's just the way it was. (I think they would object to doing that today....too everybody, everywhere...."not my job".)


    Why don't people spend their coins? I spend them as fast as I get them.

    "As much as time allowed" With 4-5 people in line, he could have used his coin tray to stack them and roll them when time permitted. Each teller has a machine that counts the coins for them.
    You are talking about "the good old days".

    "As much as time allowed" before we had to take our cash to the bank for daily deposit. The rest of it (if not rolled by us) was counted and rolled by the teller. And yes, as I said, "years ago". "Good old days"...maybe, maybe not. :)

    I know what you mean. When I had time, I'd roll them so I would be able to get my drawer balanced quickly. We weren't allowed to send loose coins that could have been rolled. My co-worker and I were really on the same page, so our department ran smoothly. Miss that job more than any other.

    Well...on the least the guy in front of you was getting some service,Which is more than I get when I go to the bank.The tellers at our bank are of a certain ethnic origin.They are rude & lazy & they have no problem with keeping people waiting while they have personal conversations among themselves in a foreign language.Grrrr! Don't get me started.


    I'm sorry for your banking experience! When I go to my bank- They say" Hi Lu How's it going today? Of course this is a small neighborhood bank _But it is nice to be called by your first name!
    Tommyh first name isn't Randeep or Raj.That's the problem I think.I've been banking there for 20 years & it's a suburban branch so you'd think they'ed know me by now.

    I feel your pain in the ***. My mom and dad opened personal and business accounts in 1949. That's a long time of loyalty. The whole bank in her town is filled with impersonal robots who greet you with a script, badly performed, and 95% of the clientele don't speak English. I won't go in there. No courtesy shown whatsoever. Know her name? Hahaha, you're killing me, Smalls. (The Sandlot).

    To be courteous is a personal attribute and if the front line people don't have that, they belong somewhere in the back. I have had ethnic tellers being courteous and locals being totally off with no care attitude.

    Lu the Clu ?

    Sawali, it doesn't matter the teller's ethnicity. Courtesy should be a universal quality of anyone in a service position. My theory has always been, "If the people weren't coming 'here', YOU wouldn't have a job." This goes for banks, grocery stores, theatres, government offices. We lived 5 miles from town, surrounded by vineyards and orchards. We were 1/2 mile from our little elementary school. I inquired about school bus service for my 1st grader. The head of the transportation department drove to my house to measure the distance. "I don't HAVE to give your kid a ride," he told me, "because you are 1/2 mile from the school" (which I'd told him). But, since it was so rural, he said he would. All I could think of (but never said) was, "If there weren't kids needing rides to school, YOU wouldn't have a job".

    I agree! Complain! People do not think rules apply to them--They only apply to others! An express lane at the grocers 12 items or less and someone is buying stuff for a compound! limit on returnable cans 10.00 dollars- they have 50.00 dollars worth! I complain!  Too bad you abusers -You should at least get shamed for your violations!


    Clu, you're describing my friend, Ron. He's so annoying sometimes, b/c he doesn't think rules apply to him . I think his parents spoiled him.

    "buying stuff for a compound". You crack me up.

    I was wondering about that "compound". How many residents do you think, clu? lol

    More people should do this, most of us are like sheep going to slaughter, either too lazy, or too stupid to stand up for ourselves, good for you!  If we want the respect of others, we must command it, and you did just that!! 


    Thank you.

    You are quite welcome. At least someone has character!

    No you weren't rude.  Maybe a little impatient perhaps ?Standing in queues waiting and waiting is enough to get you anxious.


    Definitely impatient, and incredulous that he didn't know the now-standard procedures of the bank.

    No one rolls coins here in California. That’s all done by machines which are everywhere even grocery stores. Just dump a bucket of change in and you get a chit with the dollar amount on it for the teller….cash or purchase.   


    we have them too, in Mich. What's a "chit with the dollar amt on" it ? Is that like a ticket ?

    Those machines are now arriving everywhere I think.

    The coins DO need to be rolled at some point in time by the bank. The tellers have trays which hold pennies through quarters, with marks for roll quantities (50 pennies, 40 nickels, 50 dimes, 40 quarters). The teller could have put them in the tray and rolled them later, when there weren't people waiting.
    I roll coins if I am taking them for deposit. When I was a cashier in the county treasurer's office, I received all kinds of change. If someone brought 40 nickels, it was rolled. If I accumulated 40 loose nickels through the course of the deposits, I rolled them before making my cumulative deposit to the bank.

    The tellers weren't supposed to be rolling coins for a customer. That was holding up traffic. I got yelled at once in the drive-in bank for giving the teller some coins. No, it wasn't  tons of coins either. I just wanted her to change them into paper money. She sent them back to me in the canister......and chewed me out.


    At one time, the customer was always right. :(

    I would have walked into the bank and lodged a complaint about the rudeness. No one has to be snotty.

    I find that many employees are dissatisfied with their jobs now. They know that they have no plans to stay there and seem not to care if customers get upset. The atmosphere in any company though, starts at the top and trickles down.

    That's the truth. I am happy to compliment good service or assistance, and will call or write to a business to give kudos to someone who goes above and beyond or just does his/her job flawlessly. My theory is, if someone can't be courteous and helpful, which the job requires, I'd be more than happy to take the job on myself.

    Yes Bob, with so much unemployment, you would think that those who ARE working, would be cautious about not using their manners.

    You'd think! I'd think! We seem to be the only ones....

    I think what you did was right. If you don't nothing improves.  Also the Banks ought to keep these things as part of training front line staff.

    Yesterday I too was at the bank but this time the teller was nice enough to know me and not ask for ID to make a cash withdrawal. She knew me as a customer.  


    We can't even start a transaction without our bank cards.

    Bob/PKB you are right that Bank card is MIGHTY. But it is not uncommon for tellers to ask additional piece of ID. Trust is no longer of value because tellers get s*** if customer is not properly identified. Happy Banking!

    You too

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