    What is your favorite summer memory ?

    but, for some of you in the south,it's always summer. So you must be happy all the time.

    +2  Views: 1007 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago

    MCMs Answer moved by pythonlover to here >>> those are all delicious sounding memories and I'm glad I asked the question. I'm looking forward to more answers. And I hope someone writes and tells me what it's like living where it's always summer, like in Florida, or other southern states.

    6 Answers

    My Uncle took me water skiing when I was about 11.............

    My favorite thing was going away to a cottage with my girlfriend and her family. We went for two weeks, three summers in a row. Mother, father, grandfather, a dog and 5 of us kids (ages 11 - 17) ...all packed into a station wagon for a 5 hour road trip. What a blast we had! Even the adults were laughing all the us of course.      :)


    It was a great trip , Huh? We used to go to a lake where I would row out into clear water and then freak out because I could not swim and I knew the water was TOO deep!

    Fun to scare yourself to death! lol
    country bumpkin

    Awesome you two!

    The endless summer living on the Gold Coast as a teenager.God but it was hard to leave it behind,but, duty called.


    so, you went into the military ?

    Yes.But that's a whole 'nuther story.

    When I was 14, my best friend invited me to go to Newport Beach, CA for a week. Her folks had rented a beach house.  We didn't see much of them that week; it was the first time I "lived" in a city, and got to go out without someone needing to drive me.  Being with my best friend just made it that much better. 
    (She took her son and his friends to the beach for years) 

    As an adult, I took MY sons to Morro Bay, CA for a week. We rented a beach house in Cayucos from a friend for $40/night (dirt cheap). We were supposed to stay Monday - Thursday, but my friend called to tell me the weekend people weren't coming, so we could have the place an extra three days at no charge.  We went to the beach, collected sand dollars (I still have them), took a day trip to the zoo, and just enjoyed our week. Their Dad graced us with his presence for two nights, arriving late in the day and leaving early. (The kids couldn't have cared less)

    Running through a hose spraying icy cold water and chasing and catching fireflies!


    Hated being called into the house, didn't you?

    Yes I hated that ! It was always WAY too early! Who cared if the skeeters were eating you alive? Not me!
    country bumpkin

    I miss the fireflies, don't see them anymore.

    My faverit memery is packing into theHigh Sierrs Mt. with good friends.

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