    I am a widow of 13 yrs; I have reoccurring dream of my husband telling me he doesn't love me anymore and there is someone else. Why do I dream this off and on?

    0  Views: 835 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    4 Answers

    I'm no doctor but it sounds as if you have security issues. I would suggest counseling........


    good answer, jh

    At first glance, I thought I wrote that. My husband, too, died 13 years ago. And I too had many dreams fhe first 5 years he was gone ........that he divorced me and went back to Cleveland, Ohio......where he was from and where his family lives. Maybe it's b/c  his remains are actually down there in a mausoleum.


    and I had many dreams that he was with another woman.


    Where HE is right now, there IS no someone else. If you never suspected a thing while he was alive, don't let your dream bother you.

    Maybe it is time to move on. It could be your subconscious is trying to let go of feelings you have for your departed. You must have loved very deeply. To keep those memories going so long.  Look at it this way. Maybe he is wanting you to find some one that will love you as much as he does.

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