with Vince Vaughan and Kevin James is about a guy who catches his best friend's wife cheating and wants to tell his friend, but the wife keeps threatening him.
When you have been in that situation (knowing something that would hurt your friend), what did you do? If the situation were reversed, would you want to know???
Me? When I found out WHO my x was cheating WITH, I called and talked to her husband. I refused to tell him who I was, and just told him that our spouses were having an affair. He later told me (we became friends) that when she asked who called, he said, "It was a woman who said you were having an affair with her husband." She responded with, "(my x's name) and I are just friends." He knew in that instant that I was telling the truth.
They divorced before we did. I have never regretted making THAT call.
2 Answers
My best friend's then boyfriend (they had been living together for 5 years at this point) made a pass at me one night then tried to kiss me. I pushed him back, blasted him a good one and then walked away. I chose not to say anything to my friend because he had been drinking and well, I blamed his actions on that. A few months later, she called me and asked if he had tried to kiss me. Apparently one of her friends who was there that night saw what had happened and for some strange reason, waited that long to tell her about it. I told her yes, he had done that. She got very angry with me, her voice went as cold as ice, and she told me that because of this, she could never trust me as a friend again. She felt that by me not telling her,that was the same as lying to her. Apparently it was my responsibility according to her to let her know her boyfriend could potentially cheat on her. I did not see it that way, that it was my duty as her friend. So, I lost my best friend that day. We had spoken daily up to that point and got together on weekends, her, her boyfriend and me. He did the Karaoke in the local hotel's bar. We were all best of friends. He betrayed my trust as much as he betrayed hers. I had my own hurt from that betrayal. I did not want her to hurt also. So, I guess I made the wrong decision for my dilemma. Would things have been different had I told her right away? I do not know. I do know that others who have "told" are the ones who get dropped because the person just does not want to believe it. They call them liars and stop speaking to them.
As for reverse, I have a feeling my dilemma really had no good options. I think I would have lost either way. It's sad, I still miss her to this day.
PS, they stayed together another 2 years before she ended it with him because he got caught again.
11 years ago. Rating: 4 | |

Personally if my ex were cheating, i' wouldn't blame the guy she's cheating with i'd blame myself for not providing her needs , after all anyone can cheat ,mostly cause their own needs arn't being meet . time to own up and blame yourself on the other hand isn't that why he is your ex..time to move on..
11 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
I've blamed myself to the ends of the earth and back, and come to the conclusion that some people will never be satisfied. If you marry a cheater, expect him to cheat.
Do you ever think of trying to call her?