    Guess who's gonna be a grandma again...

    Yep. My middle son, 25, and his girlfriend of about six months announced the happy news a couple days ago. I have mixed emotions for a number of reasons (obviously), but will give them the love and emotional support they need.  She has a 5 year old daughter whose father is a "voluntary homeless person" in another state.  If my son is half the father he is an uncle and "surrogate" father, he will be awesome.  I'm pretty sure he will be TOTALLY awesome. 

    +5  Views: 634 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago

    6 Answers

    Congratulations Bob, how many do you already have?  I am sure that there will be more than enough love to go around, it is difficult sitting too many on the lap at the same time, I can do my three at once! 


    :D My eldest has a lapful. His eldest turned 4 in May (she is beautiful). Middle child will be 3 July 17 (she defies description). The "baby" will be 1 on July 12. He is already running, and is the epitome of that saying about one's kids being payback for the grief they gave their own parents. This boy is busy, busy, busy.

    Ours are 4, 2 1/2 and 1. We sit for the two oldest about 3 times per wk. ave. and on occasion for the younger one.

    I'd love for there to be a "we:" to babysit them. My sister and I will have them this Sunday overnight. It will be classic chaos.

    I am sure that you give enough love for two grandparents!

    little boys are always doing something !

    I’m called “Grandma” but if I had it to do over again, I’d be Gramma. "Grandma “ sounds so yesterday.  Congratulations. Grandkids are fascinating and fun.


    My brother's wife is called "Nanny" by their grandkids. Her name is Nancy anyway. She said when she was little,they called her grandma," Nanny " My bro's little grandkids call him " Buppa " That's so cute :-)

    Best of luck to them though I feel they are too new into the relationship for this. Hope it works out and the relationship turns out the be the perfect one for each of them. Congrats Geandma :) 


    Exactly my concern, Colleen. While they are both moving in very positive directions and get along well, it's too soon for me, too. AND, this wasn't planned. Keep your fingers crossed.

    Oh, and I just know you're going to love the little guy.. You can't  help but...................


    If (s)he is anything like Daddy, it's a shoo-in. My son has a heart of gold. A head of stone, but a heart of gold...:D You know.

    Babies are a blessing, PK.


    I am becoming happier and happier for my son and his girlfriend. :D And me. I hope my Mom lives to see this great grandchild. She is particularly fond of this grandson!

    I know who. Congrats. Lets know grand son or daughter.


    Definitely. The Mommy and I are hoping for a boy. My son just wants healthy. :D

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