aKaQa, Its Origin, What the in the past, what does now, and what will do in the future.
Proto Jacinto Jimenez.
All Yours.
Now I really feel that if you wish to be understood, you should use Google translate, type what you want to say in your own language, then translate it to English. This is my best suggestion as it is difficult to understand what you say as your English is not advanced enough for you to be clearly understood. Please do not take that as an insult as I do understand you are trying your best to use the English language here. Google translate: http://translate.google.com/
2 Answers
Simply put, akaQA is a help forum where people can ask questions and get helpful answers containing the information they are looking for. The questions are answered by volunteers who either answer the question using their own knowledge or who search the internet for the information the asker requires. From the past to the present to the future, the plan remains the same, help people to find answers to their questions.
There will always be those with not so helpful answers but that's to be expected.
11 years ago. Rating: 4 | |
Frank, you really should refrain from providing grammatical help in English writing. I believe English cannot possibly be your primary language, as your spelling is, well, dreadful, to put it nicely.
As far as ROMOS being the plural, it would be the plural of ROMO, not ROMOS. Your examples of alcoholic beverages suggests you may be well into your suds, taking your comments "literally".
Colleen has suggested politely that you use a translation site to help you put across your point in English. BABYLON is the one I recommend.
11 years ago. Rating: 2 | |
Karma: 1455035
Run that by me again in english please!
Frank Julio Jimenez
Karma: 0
ROMOS, first is in plural and as says wlth the =S is more of one ROMOS as BEBERAGE Can be Alcohols, Lichors, Beers, Wins of more can be the most important for us in the cotidianic life to drink... THE WATER. For this the BIBLE say as expresion... When GOD lok for the salvation of a lost soul, ?¿ COME AND DRNK OF THE WATER OF LIFE¡'¡¿?. Also can acompain the end of a lounch, of dinner as beberage of any COKE, PEPSy, of Wins Whites or Reds at the END of the FOOD.
Proto Jacinto Jimenez.
All Yours.