    how can i help get milk out of my mama dogs berset

    my pit bull had puppy amd she got kennel couth now she cant feed the puppys .she has a lot of mi;k still im her bearst  how can i help her

    0  Views: 616 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    3 Answers

    Kennel cough is a highly contagious disease, the pups are now at risk. Please take your dog and her puppies to the vet, she would be suffering. While your there the vet can advise what  can be done about her milk. 

    Take your dog to a vet. Get her medicine for the kennel cough. I do not believe the milk is safe for the puppies now if she has kennel cough. You need to get puppy formula and hand feed them. Speak to the vet about this. You can not milk a dog like you would a cow. You can purchase syringes that can be used like a pump to draw the milk but again, I do not think the milk is safe for the puppies now. Her milk will dry up as long as the puppies are not nursing. How in the world did she get kennel cough. Are you running a puppy mill?

    We are not Vets on this site but to me this is a emergency you need to take your Dog to the Vet ASAP and take the pup also just so the Vet can check them both over sounds she might have mastitis she will be in pain so take ASAP to Vet thanks

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