    Are you upset that the U.S. Government can obtain records of your phone calls...

    who calls you and who you call, even if not listening in on the conversations? This, according to them, is in the interest of anti-terrorism.

    +1  Views: 1042 Answers: 7 Posted: 11 years ago



    Karma: 1433060

    Oscar Wilde once said that "patriotism is the virtue of the vicious". Do you agree?


    Karma: 1380340
    Only if it applies to fighting an illegal government. Then I suppose patriots could be considered to be "viscous" towards that government. I do not agree with his use of the word vicious however. Patriotic Americans will staunchly defend their rights as granted them by the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.


    Karma: 1433060
    As in fighting in countries all over the world in the name of freedom?


    Karma: 1380340

    I can not answer for all over the world. Governments are different. Some governments have power over the people. It would require a coup to overthrow such a government like that. Then their whole style of government would have to change. I can not say if they are right or wrong in doing so as I do not live there. Here in the USA, the people have the power over the government so we would not be overthrowing our government to fight their illegal ways, we would simply be preserving our democratic republic by removing law breaking politicians by force if necessary.


    Karma: 1433060
    Yeah, that happens a lot huh?


    Karma: 1380340

    When in America's history have the people removed a law breaking politician by force? As far as I know, it has not happened yet.


    Karma: 1433060
    You said it, I doubted it.


    Getting a bit pedantic about your new rules C, are all the decisions made by your judgement alone?

    Decisions are made by the moderators in accordance to the rules created by the owner's of akaQA.

    Ye, like a few of my comments have also been deleted,none of them were abusive or derogatory, makes me wonder sometimes!

    7 Answers

    They'd probably get bored to tears and quit their jobs..............


    Same with me, dear Julie.

    Where ya been? I haven't been on as much though........

    Hd loads of dental surgery and I'm sore, other than that, I'm OK......

    I own a juicrt and a nina and other chopping devices. Don't get around to buye=ing the veggies or fruit. And I can drink the juice

    @DD...good to hear! :)

    I resent the intrusion. I resent having to take off my shoes and be x-rayed at the airport.  I resent paying an extra 1/4 of 1% sales tax, I resent the utility company raising their rates instead of lowering their dividends or bonuses for the governing board.  And on and on and on.  
    And yet, I'm optimistic and do look for the good in the world..... 

    This is old news because it has been going on for years. I wonder why it has been resurrected and who gains from this knowledge.


    A lot of people are saying this but the thing is it has not been going on to this extent and not on hundreds of millions of Americans.

    Rand Paul: "No one objects to balancing security against liberty. No one objects to seeking warrants for targeted monitoring based on probable cause. We've always done this.

    What is objectionable is a system in which government has unlimited and privileged access to the details of our private affairs, and citizens are simply supposed to trust that there won't be any abuse of power. This is an absurd expectation. Americans should trust the National Security Agency as much as they do the IRS and Justice Department."

    The American people gain from the knowledge. There are changes that can be made.

    Would it be interesting to guess what keywords the government would be using on the internet. Maybe ...uh ... nevermind.  After 911, they came into the chat rooms. I was there a lot and to tell the truth I was glad they were there. (If  they were. I don’t know for sure)

    This is an American-led policy that is fully endorsed,unified and implemented in Canada,Australia and Great Britain.


    It's been going on for years, only difference now is everyone gets to know about it.

    The Patriot Act policy, which the USA is using as reason to target millions of Verizon users is being abused. The Patriot Act is meant to track terrorist only, not to infringe on the privacy of American civilians to the degree that NSA has been doing. For the 2 years that the Bush administration used it, less than 50 names were targeted for each year. Congress is already looking at amending the Patriot Act to remove some of the powers granted in it because of the abuse.

    I know what your "patriot act" is, I know what your constitution says, I also know that this will be very difficult to overcome.

    My comment was for Digger but to explain my comment, it is an answer for America's problem of the Government infringing on our right to privacy. Congress will amend the bill. As for other countries, they will have to petition their own governments to get their right to privacy back.

    Clonge,  I am so happy and thrilled  you asked this question.  Mexico people are being terrorized every day by cortells,  40,000 killed last year or so.  A couple of people lost limbs and some lives in the Boston bombing.  Look at some of the "Democracy Now"  shows, you can get it via internet and watch some of the shows if one can not get it on television.  Suicide bombers and their associates bomb  somebody everyday, at funerals, at wedding services, at chruch, in their cars and any where else they decide to get and kill some people.  We do not,  do not, want that crab flourishing in America.  That said, they can surveil any and everything they want to in order to stop the terrorist from making bombing a daily activity in this country!


    Mexican people are being terrorized because the people (civilians) are not allowed to have guns. Only the criminals (cartels) have guns and the police (not enough police and most are corrupt) and the military have guns(Mexico is not going to pay the military to protect the citizens). There is only one place to buy weapons and ammo in all of Mexico. The Mexican government LETS the crime happen there while Obama goes and speaks to the Mexicans and apologies and blames Americans for the Mexican violence. Mexico needs to give the guns back to the people. We would fast become another Mexico if Obama gets his way with the gun bill law that infringes or could potentially erode the 2nd amendment like the Patriot Act has done to our 4th amendment.

    The 4th amendment was created to de-power the government. To not allow government officials to just walk into the homes of American citizen at will and with no cause and look through their stuff and seize whatever it wants to seize and do it without a warrant. They are using the Patriot Act to override the 4th amendment. The government is again going against the US Constitution and illegally invading American "homes" by looking into their e-mails and tracking their computer activities and listening in on phone calls among other things and they can do it all without a warrant. They are breaking the law (the 4th amendment) that was put in place for the government to follow. They have no right to still play law enforcer when they are breaking one of the highest laws in the land. Perhaps if the government spent more time investigating known radicals like the Boston bombers instead spying on law abiding Americans, the Boston bombings might not have happened. Both 9-11s might not have happened.

    I think they should only tap phone calls when and if it's someone the Boston Terrorist bombers. I guess tappng their cell phones didn't yield any helpful info. Tapping phones by the gov or other agencies has been going on practically since telephones were invented.


    Not the phones of the American people. Until the Patriot Act it was illegal. Actually even with the Patriot Act it is STILL illegal as the Patriot Act was not written so they could invade an American citizen's privacy without a warrant. That's why when Nixon's administration tapped the phones of reporters (with his approval)he was almost impeached, he stepped down before that happened. Do not believe the hype that the government has always tapped our phones. They would have had to enter our homes to tap land lines before the invention of digital phone lines. Cellphones are simply easier to tap because they use satellite. NOW they are tapping phone calls. NOW they are doing it to everyone but NOT back when you are talking about.

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