    why isnt marijuana legal

    +2  Views: 718 Answers: 5 Posted: 11 years ago

    5 Answers

    My guess is there is no way to calculate if someone is "too high", as we can do with alcohol. Also, there is no regulation of the marijuana market, such as FDA and lists of ingredients on packages.

    Yes, picture it. Cans, boxes, packets for individual servings,  occupying a shelf at the local grocery, Walgreen's, or Wal-Mart.  You could get bulk pot at Costco.


    HA hahaha... I like the bulk pot part!

    :D I know a lot of folks who would like that.

    You also know someone who can make instillation art with cupcakes .... the sky's the limit... literally!

    Soar time

    Bob= This is clu concerning my answer that is now fixed! Must have been a flash-back! LOL:)

    Taking the "spaced out" route, simply doesn't work, so we don't need another illegal item made legal.  Ask any drug addict (most started with marijuana) just how contented they are on a daily basis. Are they glad that they began experimenting with pot? Our experience with alcohol should have been a good lesson.

    Maybe because studies show that it leads to other more harmful drugs.  By the way, Marijuana is not that harmless, as there are about 100 chemicals in it which are known to be harmful to humans.  Ever speak with a "punch drunk" a former boxer who can barely converse, result of the traumatic brain injury?  Long term smokers of pot have the similar type of delayed response, and poor judgment to boot. 


    Very poor judgement to boot. Oh my goodness!!!

    I think it distorts their sober reality after awhile. It took months for the drugs to wear off my older two sons, and, while they are still sharp, it isn't quite as it once was.

    It dulled the senses of a loved one forever and a day in my family... there is no going back to the land of the clearly thinking :(

    Seems to me the US war on drugs has encountered a cease fire during the current president's term (s).

    Not at our border crossings. :)

    Yeah, he lets them in, wants them to vote, get drivers licenses to go to work at jobs that they are not legally supposed to be holding!

    Press 1 for English. Press 2 to disconnect until you learn to speak English. Thank you, Country Bumpkin.

    Great write up here that should answer this question and any others that you may have concerning marijuana 

    I think if it were to be legalized, then that would open the door to other narcotics being legalized. I personally prefer that all drugs remain controlled and be allowed by prescription only. 

    I smoked pot years ago! I was very paranoid when on it! I was very  easy to get BLOWN away! I had visions and crap like that ! Even saw music notes arranging themselves on a music sheet!   Thank you! I don't like not being in control of myself and my thoughts!


    You DON'T like being in control.....?

    That's what I thought you meant. =)

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