Having recently gone slightly off grid, I now get everything i put into my body from local farms and if i can't get it locally we have a group that sources completely organic produce from other states.
Monsanto, Syngenta Koch etc etc are companies that are basically killing people with their drugged and or genetically modified produce!
Monsanto recently had a law passed in the USA that states that no legal action can be taken against them if their products have harmed/killed people, scarey stuff don't you think!
Monsanto recently hired the mercenary company Blackwater to track down activists against monsanto!
this is what's going on http://topinfopost.com/2013/05/28/russia-warns-obama-monsanto there is so much more information out there and it is terrifiing.
if any of you lovely folks what to fight back at the stores, you should defo download this for android or apple smart phones, you scan with your phone and it lets you know who owns what and what's bad or good about the company - http://www.buycott.com/ :-)
more info for those that care. ;-)
Monsanto Protection Act put GM companies above the federal courts.
Let's keep this rockin' !!
6 Answers
We, as human beings, truly seem to believe that the food we eat could not possibly affect our health! Combine that belief with adding some prescription drugs to our bodies because the doctor says we "need" them. More people are on more prescription drugs than ever before, while eating more processed foods than ever before. Obesity rates are going through the roof while scientists strive (with millions of dollars) to figure out a cheaper, faster way to feed the world and pharmaceutical companies feverishly research the next miracle pill. Simply put, it has nothing to do with compassionate people caring about the starving children! It's all about money....no big mystery....money, money, money!!!
Furthermore, each of us can put food to the test. Try eating nothing but REAL, WHOLE, food for three months....nothing processed, nothing packaged, nothing GM'd, nothing radiated....just REAL FOOD which is more expensive and only obtained from a farmer's market or your own garden. Then tell me that you feel no differently! Stop buying the "marketing" of the processed, modified, tampered with, food companies. It's sinful!!!
11 years ago. Rating: 10 | |
Monsanto GMO's are dangerous and not fit for anyone to eat. My state just passed a law that all food with GMOs in it MUST be clearly labeled. Ben and Jerry's just announced last week that they will stop using GMO by 2014 having recognized the dangers of it. Countries around the world are burning GMO crops because of the danger of this stuff that they won't even feed to starving kids. America should follow in the footsteps of countries like Hungary, Ecuador and most EU nations in banning GMOs outright. Thankfully people, governments and businesses are waking up to the dangers of this crap. Once all states demand labeling, then that will force food companies to stop using it. Thus we get around the secret law, (Monsanto Protection Act ) signed when no one was looking and agendas to protect Monsanto while it poisons millions.
11 years ago. Rating: 7 | |
I don't care about Monsanto or any other company that produces GM products, I move with the times, I adjust to the survival standards of the times, GM products are needed to feed the ever growing human population, they are much better than most of the processed foods that humans have been consuming for generations now, I don't stop flying in aeroplanes because of the threat of crashing, I don't stop travelling in cars because of the threat of accidents happening, if GM products can help the starving people in this world as it is today so be it. We've got to do something to ease poverty and improve the standards of foods that we eat,
GM products don't kill people, science moves on continuously, we've got to move with it.
If it helps feed these children I'll rest easy!
11 years ago. Rating: 6 | |
if you are happy for yourself and your loved ones to be lied to, go for it! if you are happy shoving food down your neck without knowing what it actually is, enjoy!
poverty is created by bad politics and corporate greed if you are happy with that, rest easy!
you say you wont stop traveling by plane or car!! what an earth has that got to do with the food you eat? eating should not result in an accident.
pull your head out of the sand mate, read up and get educated. these guys have managed to rise above the law (in the US)and can legally try out just about anything they want on you. but if you are happy with that, have fun!! :-)
comparing a multi-national company with a little corner shop is rather naive, its like comparing the moon landing to having a bicycle!
if you're happy you have enough information to make your choices, fine!
I am more than happy to have better tasting healthier GM free food and drink at the expense of big agribusiness bullys. :-)
Blinkered thinking never gets anywhere other than one direction, science moves on, big companies will always take what they can, it's called progressive economy.
"progressive economy" these companies have no social conscience and do not trade fairly in any way! you have obviously decided to bend over and accept whatever they say (spot the analogy), they just love people who do that! calling me blinkered is hilarious, my eyes are wide open!
Karma: 114995
Ted i think you and farther Jack shoud seek a comprimise,from your good friend Dougal,and have a cup of tea,go,on go,on go on,I once Worked for an offshoot of them once called Jablos,I once Worked for an offshoot of them once called Jablos
It's just a matter of time til we go back to trying to make lamp shades from human skin, a la Nazis.
11 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
The World According To Monsanto >>> http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/the-world-according-to-monsanto/
Watch it and weep.....
11 years ago. Rating: 5 | |
Did you all stop to think every plant animal in existence is genetically modified. Its the reason we exist as we are today. There will always be genetic modification until the earth becomes killed off by the sun billions of years from now. All you people hear is what the news wants you to hear. Its gets your attention to them. Sure sometimes it happens when you genetically alter something you get bad results. Look at genetic abnormalities in people. Should two parents with heritable genetic diseases that would possibly produce children with crippling conditions be allowed to have kids ? Its not fair to the kids being born to have a life like that. These people that develop these strains of food look at unlocking the genetic potential of food. Ones that will survive drought, pests, whatever. Your real protest should be against farmers using pesticides on wheat or other food products, spray on the cotton that makes clothes, From my schooled knowledge of genetc variation and engineering , I am not at all concerned about Monsanto. Did you know 80 % of corn , soybans are GM ? Why not protest that. I wish you would. That keeps driving the stock down. I hope it gets back down to 85.00 point. I will be buying then. So please keep protesting. Oh, don't forget about the alfalfa fed to dairy cows that make milk. That should be the next protest. So spend your hard earned money and spare time protesting. Just go natural - organic. Wow , just saw on tv Hepatitis A outbreak in Oregon for berries. We are all going to die. My protest is against swimming pools. Bacteria breeding and the #1 killer of children. Not guns. But the news wont tell you that , will they.
11 years ago. Rating: 4 | |