    does anyone demolition houses for the materials in the House?

    +2  Views: 629 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    4 Answers

    Some companies do but you have to check the businesses in your area to find out if you have any salvages near you. 

    I do all depends what part of the world you are in thanks

    The people around here recycle by tearing off and picking up every bit of metal they can find.  . The stole the drain pipes, etc.., off our church. They especially like copper. The stole a big, beautiful clock out of our church parlor. We think it was this guy that asked our church office for money. She said we don't do that anymore. But, we do give people food and blankets.

    Recycling as a form of enterprise is becoming illegal in most states. Here in California recycling out of a dump can draw a cop. We passed a law by voter petition (an overwhelming majority of voters approved) to allow anyone to collect anything from a dump to recycle/reuse/repair) any way they choose. The voting public approved but the state legislature decided they knew better and sent the voting public's LAW into the obviated trash bin and made our state ruled only by the legislature. As a result thousands of folk who lived in recycling and appliance repair have been put out of business. I salvaged scrap wood that I used to make bird houses, now I have to buy the wood. All those little jobs that kept food on the table and gave a skilled person a way to make a meager income are now shamed into accepting welfare because all those little skilled work ways are hounded out of business by bureaucratic oversight .

    So refugee camps come next followed by what...organ sales, and the distribution of welfare children...oh, that is already being done. What's communal shower gas about?       


    In detroit, they do their own demolition jobs of houses, so they can take the metal and everything else.

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