    TerriblePain on righ side of tummy because of enlarge ovaries due to midcycle. This is the first time although and its lasted nearly 1 week i do get very bad cramps, pain during the period. Any suggestons ?

    TerriblePain on right side of tummy because of enlarge ovaries due to midcycle. This is the first time and its lasted nearly 1 week. I got hospitalised as well but they drs sent me home with pain killers. i do get very bad cramps, pain during the period. Any one else got this problem ? the pain starts from the back of the spine into the tummy and then down to my thighs. THank you

    0  Views: 431 Answers: 4 Posted: 11 years ago

    4 Answers

    "Enlarged ovaries due to mid cycle"?  Really?


    For a doctor to simply send you home with painkillers is wrong! See another doctor A.S.A.P. but also, do some research on your own. I would not just accept what a doctor says without question. They do not have all the answers.


    It sounds like endometriosis. That means when the lining of your uterous is growing outside of your uterous and down the inside of your tubes,etc. You need to go to a good   OB--GYN.....and .not the Dr. you were going to .

    Obviously i am not a woman and I have no experience with your concern, I will say this, anytime the body goes into pain, its trying to tell you something, you can make matters worse by using the internet for your personal physical problems, but your real answer and they only answer you should believe in is the one your doctor gives you.   I suggest you make an appointment right away.

    First, see a doctor to make sure it's just cramps.  If it is only cramps, start taking Ibuprofen a few days before your cycle starts and continue through the whole shebang.....

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