    in what month is a flu season

    0  Views: 599 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago

    3 Answers

    Flu season is an annually-recurring time period characterized by the prevalence of outbreaks of influenza (flu). The season occurs during the cold half of the year in each hemisphere.

    So depending on where you live, it begins and ends with the cold months. 

    My husband had some kind of illness that lasted over a week. His face was as white as the pillow case. He had a lot of trouble walking. He had a fever most of the time about 101. He coughed and hacked. Oh it was terrible. I looked at him at really thought it was THE END. We went to the doctor and he checked him over. The doctor  said, "It's a cold. A virus. There is nothing we can do."

    Does that sound like a cold to you? He's still very tired. We're going on three weeks. 

    After my husband recovered, I got sick. My illness was not as bad.  Scary! Is this some kind of new flu? (I heard that there was a new one)

    Mary, I gave a lot more information than you asked for ... oh well. I was exercising my fingers. : ) Be well.


    itsmee, Sounds like the Noro virus, which is something like the flu, only it's more of a bronchitis like thing.

    I agree with mcm, I had this a few months ago, still don't feel 100%.

    I’ll check on Noro Virus right now. I told my husband what you said, mcm & ROMOS. He said, “That could be how the world ends.”

    It usuallly runs Sept -----thru March. At least it does that way in my neck of the woods......S.E.. Michigan

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