You think maybe God could have a talk with Allah and see if they can work something out so that us infidels can quit getting killed in his name?? I don't think god is cruel, and I don't know enough about the Qu-ran to understand the fascination with killing just because you disagree. Why hasn't the Good God put an end to this violence?? If he stands by and lets it happen, then maybe he is cruel. If there was ever a time to come forth, this is it. C 'mon god!! Do your merciful stuff and save us from the tyranny.
To muslims, Allah IS God. Are you suggesting that your God is the genuine one and Allah is not ? We're not talking about prophets like Muhammed and Jesus. Although Christians further complicate matters by referring to Jesus as God. It's rather confusing,isn't it ?
Not at all, it was tongue in cheek response to a question that has no answer. Before one believes in their god, they must believe in also the devil, heaven, hell etc. As for Allah? Their muslim/islamic beliefs are as strong as any christian has for their god. However, when I look at current events, its no longer tongue in cheek, this is real and as fars as i can follow, them radical islamics are far more of a concern thean Christians with their God and Jesus, not to mention, Holy Sprit. People are alsoys criticizing christians and their religious lifestyle, they aren't allowed to bring god to school, no christian statues in a public place, etc, however, while its accepted to degraade Christians, we are told not to do the same with Muslims because ITS THEIR CULTURE!-- This annoys me as it should anyone, including the good muslims. If the word of the day is 'pro-choice' meaning beyond abortion, lets be pro-choice on everything. Why tell me that christians offend and then say that Muslims do not offend because its culture. Also, I might add that most if not all of these terrible attacks on civilians are from radical muslims, not christians. This whole PC thing is going to get all of us killed, we must look at the facts before your eyes and do what is necessary to protect yourself from evil. To turn your head away from evil does not make it go away.
TU for your answer Vinny & another TU for your comment.Good on ya mate!
Vinny you are talking holier than thou talk by simply blaming muslims for all the violance etc. You ought to do some reading of history -Christian, the Mongolian the Irish and others so you can be fair in your comments. Inform yourself that there are over a billion muslims and you have referred to them ALL as killers - just see your newspaper for murders - are they all muslims?
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Sawali, where did I say 'all' muslims, at one point I referred to 'good muslims. And I am quite well informed on the history of world violence, I am aware of religious violence and the crusades, i am also aware that Christians were thrown to the lions. The point here is not history, its the present. Most of the world is now civilized and these religious murders have ceased to exist amongst religions. The last orginized mass murder crime involving a religious/ethnic group was the murder of 6 million jews. We are talking NOW, not then. I refer to muslims in the news, RADICAL muslims. I ask you, are you keeping up with the present or are you one that will bring up the past. we don't live in the past, we live now and as it seems, we have a serious concern with muslims NOW, the radicals. Do you understand that? Or are you going to turn a blind eye to the obvious? You can't argue this away, the evidence is all around you. Keep up!! Learn! Your condescending remark to me is without merit. and it shows how oblivious you are to the truth. Wake up!! Once again, i do not condemn all muslims! I know several that are very good people, even they admit there is a problem within their own people. I see murders every day in the news, gang related, or just random and domestic, these are not Muslims, however, these murderers are not threatening the rest of us in the name of Allah, and rationalizing their acts by saying we are infidels and deserve to die. They kill us because they don't like our culture. we can address our own home grown violence, its the threat to the world that is the problem and if you have a problem seeing this then its you that is not educated in current events.
I find your 'assumptions' extremely offensive and bigoted. have a good day...
Vinny, I am sorry you felt offended. Our question is if God is cruel.Lets deal with that. Allah and God means the same. we seem to disagree on that. It is the people who are cruel (only some) because they have other agendas. These people can be muslims, christians, jews, hindus etc but they are few and visible.
God-Allah>>>Disambiguation. I have stated that Muslims look at Allah as their God. 'Allah' is Arabic for God. I have no problem defining God as the supreme being regardless of which monotheistic religion we are talking about, and for the record, where I have a catholic background, I am far from 'holy'. I don't even go to church!! If we were talking about Italians (Of which I am Italian) I would say the same thing, if Italians were in front of major attacks, I would say the same as i did about Muslims (radical) To me, it has nothing to do with God-Allah -- It has to do with PEOPLE! people that use religion to spread their evil.. I believe good Muslims are just as offended by this exploitation in their name.
vinny, you got it my friend. It's the people not the religion. take care.