    how many different types of counsellors?

    0  Views: 767 Answers: 2 Posted: 11 years ago

    2 Answers


    Types of Counseling
    It has long been recognized that it can be extremely difficult to maintain your psychological well being in today’s high-stress world on your own. Because people need help, there are different types of counseling professionals who can help everyday individuals who are struggling in a variety of areas. Here are some of the major types of counseling that are available and who might benefit from them.

    Marriage Counseling
    It’s natural for conflicts to occur in a healthy marriage. However, when the two spouses have never learned effective ways of resolving these conflicts, the marriage can be in danger. Marriage counseling helps couples explore the ways in which they get stuck in their conflicts, and how to break out of those negative cycles.
    Learn more about marriage counseling

    Grief Counseling
    Loss is extremely difficult for almost everyone, especially the loss of a parent, spouse or child. Unfortunately, in an increasingly more isolated society, many people grow up without the coping mechanisms to grieve effectively. A grief counselor can help an individual work through this difficult time.
    Learn more about grief counseling

    Christian Counseling
    One of the newer types of counseling that many find very helpful is Christian counseling. Years ago, a Christian in need of psychological guidance would be sent to a Priest, but seminary training did not always cover the scope of psychic damage that people can experience. Unfortunately, conventional therapists may lack a healthy respect for the spiritual and religious aspects of a person’s life, and may ignore these things in counseling, which can lead to an unsatisfying experience for the patient. A Christian counselor has both religious and therapeutic training, and has integrated these disciplines to provide a more healing experience for the patient.
    Learn more about Christian counseling

    Family Counseling
    Family units have different group pathologies than individuals which require different types of counseling. A family counselor is trained in the types of negative family dynamics that can occur and how it can affect each individual family member. This counselor can then teach family members how to work, live and love together in a more positive way.
    Learn more about family counseling

    Relationship Counseling
    Marriage is not the only type of relationship that may require healing. Boyfriends and girlfriends, brothers and sisters, even business partners may need help developing coping methods that will enable them to interact effectively. Relationship counselors can provide this assistance.
    Learn more about relationship counseling

    Mental Health Counseling
    There are many reasons why an individual may need mental health counseling. He or she may have a chemical imbalance that is making it difficult to function, which can be aided through drugs but may also require some form of talk therapy. He or she may have deep-seated family issues which are pervading adult life. There may be unresolved trauma that is plaguing an individual. In nearly any case where a psychological issue is making daily functioning a problem, mental health counseling can help.
    Learn more about mental health counseling

    Group Counseling
    In group counseling, a single therapist works with multiple patients in order to help them resolve troubling issues. Group counseling can be effective for people who are not comfortable in a one-on-one setting, who have social anxiety issues, or who do not find it financially feasible to pursue individual counseling.
    Learn more about group counseling

    Substance Abuse Counseling
    People who are in the grips of an alcohol or drug addiction need a special type of counseling. Substance abuse counseling uses professionals who are trained in understanding the workings and pathology of addiction and helping patients learn how to manage their addictions.
    Learn more about substance abuse counseling

    Teen Counseling
    Teenagers are in a different stage of development than their parents, and hence need a different style of counseling. Teen counseling helps teens deal with issues such as understanding their sexuality, dealing with the temptations of drugs and alcohol and relating to their parents.
    Learn more about teen counseling

    Divorce Counseling
    Not every divorce needs to end in ruin and chaos. People separate for all kinds of legitimate reasons, and a divorce counselor can help make sure that break is clean. Some divorce counselors can even mediate the separation so that the process does not stretch out unnecessarily and cost both parties excessive amounts of money.
    Learn more about divorce counseling

    Individual Counseling
    Individual counseling is a direct, active and personal approach that focuses on increasing your individual self-awareness, understanding, and adjustment. Individual counseling can help you identify the most effective ways for you personally to achieve your desired goals for this stage in life, as well as provide you with the tools to cope with difficult circumstances that may arise along the way.
    Learn more about individual counseling

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    I'm going to sign up for ALL of these and hope I come out "normal". lol
    country bumpkin

    I'll see you there

    Oh good...we can be "normal" together. lol

    Uh, I know of three and several want-to-be's..........

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